

Attached: Screenshot_2019-03-12 (1) Devil's Blood on Twitter Interesting words from someone who’s body (600x453, 26K)

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Based Lana working this jabroni into a seething shoot

>sinking down to her level
This guy is a beta cuck.

Why is the Dutch satanist Nosferatu guy with runes instead of his name on the billing box talking about fake tits on Twitter?? Could you imagine if Kane in 1997 went on a TV show and said "Lmao Sara has fake tits"

nuke everyone in this "business"

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twitter promos are fucking cringe.

Nice going, Aleister, you retard. Your comment lacked any wit and now you pretty much sabotaged your own career.

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lol he actually wants to look like that?

>It's only bodyshaming if it's directed at a woman
Like clockwork.


Holy fucking shit this guy is an absolute fag.

NXT is killing the business

Reminder than these guy believes Satan is real

>devil's blood

so how is Rusev going to get punished now? I mean it's obvious they want out but they're not going out Vince burying the fuck outta them

Lana is so fucking based. She's supposed to be the heel for this but is just saying what everybody is actually thinking

Time to dust off that cuck script again.

Lol this. Dancing gimmick when?

Read that as "Santa"

>The face makes fun of the Heel
>Stop being mean

Ofc Satan is real. You don't believe in God, user?

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According to interviews he doesn't believe in the Devil or God, I'm not sure how you can be a "practicing Satanist" without believing in Satan, but there you go. Also apparently he based the entire shtick in a cult his dad was part of.

Holy fucking cringoli someone needs to keep these dorkolis off of twitter

ding-dong diddly based

He fucking a hot woman and getting paid to do shitty preshow matches. I'm sure he's fine.

Laveyan satanists don’t believe in god or the devil, read a book

Didn't know vampires twitted from their coffins during the day.

If I gave a shit I would make a list of WRESTLERS WHO CUT PROMOS ON TWITTER and WRESTLERS WHO DON'T CUT PROMOS ON TWITTER and we would all laugh our asses off at how desperate and lame it is. One day.

>Read a book about satanism
No thanks, I haven't been 14 in a long time.

Literally read up on what Satanism actually is, they don't believe in God or Satan they just use the latter as a symbol. True Satanism is believing that you are the master of your own destiny, there is no architect in the sky that plans out your life, YOU are the God of your own reality.
Basically they just use the Satan character as symbol because the story of him being cast out of Heaven for wanting to do his own thing lines up pretty nicely with their own religion.

holy workedoli

>I can't inform myself because I'm not 14.
Forget the book, just neck yourself.

Hijacking this thread because I consider asp bros to be my friends. I gotta say my depression is getting bad fellas I don't fit in I never thought I'd kms but lately it seems like an attractive proposition

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And again as I tell everyone. Get the fucking help. Go talk to a doctor. It helps. You'd go to a fucking doctor, if your leg was broken.
Your mind is broken. Go see someone who will help fix it.

based satanist

Dr will help based user

>new wrestlers in the main roster

>already hated


Laveyan are not the only satanists around.

At the very least they will give you drugs to dull the pain

This. Nobody can't help yourself if you don't make the first step by seeking help.
One of my good friend is /r9k/ personified but keeps wallowing in stupid reasons to not go to a psychologist. Instead of doing something, he'd rather complain he can't do something.

That is Lana. You don't take Lana seriously.

He's married to zelina vega lmao bitch might be the only person in the company except Dana with more work done than Lana

>tfw my personal philosophy is satanism

stop fucking watching wwe

Vince forgets he's even in the company

vince needs to put these retards' phones in faraday cages

never give up nigga we're all gonna make it

>Wasting my limited time in this world "informing" myself about this silly shit
Posting on Yea Forums on the crapper is already too much of a waste of time.

He's right you know

Live for the DOTR user.

Based Lana working self marks

Satanists are like Jews, literally fake and gay

White Knights absolutley demolished.

Literal cringe
Can we just get the Cena/Dream/Hogan team so this business can be saved?

A lot of people don't have health insurance or have shit health insurance. I have to pay like $3000 before my health insurance would pay for anything except routine shit like a normal doctor visit (not a specialist)

tweet that to Aleister Black

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Don't give in, broski. Seek our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Anton LaVey was literally a jew.

Really activates the almonds.

Virginia doesn't require you to have a gun permit OR be a Virginia resident to buy a shotgun and ammo. Blow your brains out like I'm going to

All low tier health insurance doesn't do fuck all for mental health. You MIGHT be able to talk to someone who pretends to listen for 20 minutes every 2 weeks with a $30 copay, but that's about it.

If you kys who will I shitpost with?

Based Aleister making hypocritical feminazis BOIL

how'd the entire goddamn tweet get in the filename?

it's just a gimmick wrestling is fake

Twitter is gay. Yea Forums needs to adopt the squaredcircle rule of no threads about tweets. Think of the advertisers, Hiroki

He’s absolutely seething he can’t fuck something that’s better than an objective 3/10. What a dweeb

Come live with me in finland. I need a foreigner wingman, we will drown in pussy

Hey, sup? Ya gay homo lmao

I'm black sadly :(

That goblina would have fixed her beak if that was remotely true

Suicide by cop

You dont realize that that’s a bonus in Finland

Based black absolutely demolished that cuck.
Im officially blacked from here on out lads

Fuck off carter

He is right but holy fuck he writtes like a redditor

Call it what you want but that's a Based response to that roastie.

We'd miss you m8.

this, people who have JC in their lives don't think that gay shit

Lana is an ugly fake bitch. Rusev should leave her.

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Are Lana’s tits fake in kayfabe?

Imagine Stan Hansen responding to tweets with “Hmmmm logical fallacy much, bitch?”

Faithless fool. When your time on earth is done, enjoy nothing.

Unironically redpilled

>Based Black annihilates that roastie
>Yea Forums of all places has white knights crawl out of the woodwork
Please have sex, you geeks.

Zelina is enhanced too.

Grab your jacket. We going to church this Sunday.

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this is the only correct response


now you realize that lana has been given an Yea Forums gimmick and it's only a matter of time before she says ding-dong diddly on a live mic



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Someone needs to get Black off of social media because he comes off like a whiny teenage girl all the time and kills his mystique. Cole was right to call him moody.


>white knights

I don't give a fuck about who he responded to, incel. He writes cringey.

I checked the wreddit thread and everyone supports Black so therefore Im gonna have to side with Lana and Shannonogans on this one

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Fuck that thot

Dusty has been dead for years and Hogan can barely walk.


Create a new value system that works for you and strive towards it

Also: take a shower, hit the weights, get a clue

he's on American Badass Undertaker levels of retardation

oh no no no no

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He gave one line that probably wrecked her day while she wrote a paragraph of gibberish

Tattoos really are cringe and for insecure attention-seekers.

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her husband has them tho.

yeah i didn't even notice that back tattoo until this weekend, holy gay, why get a tattoo there?!
but there is a difference between getting one tattoo of your homeland on your bicep and being completely tatted up, but yeah that back tattoo is one of the gayest things i have ever seen

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yeah nobody should do tattoos at all near the lower back.

Do it. You sicken me, you're such an insecure faggot that you're even afraid of the consequences of your own suicide.
And if you don't do it, then at least try to do something different with your life, take some risks, talk to different people, hit the weights, take a shower and get a clue.
But please don't come to anonymous board to talk about how sad your insignificant existence is, change begins with you and if you don't believe you can do it then end yourself faggot.

alpha and based

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no man is ever truly cringe

no man is every truly base-ed

I just had a mental image of him fueding with Mick Foley over whether Santa or Satan was real


it's whose you illiterate Dutch twat

Get help. Tell your parents. Even if you think they think you're a loser, they definitely wouldn't want a dead son on their hands. There are always affordable options for therapy. Check

She talks about insecure, yet she is like 34, married and acting like a college slut in numerous videos. Lead by example.

Social media was such a massive mistake for wrestling.

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Unironically start eating healthy and work out. It sounds retarded but having a healthier diet can change your mood + working out will make you feel confident in your body. Those 2 things will make people more interested in you. Girls will start talking to you and guys will want to hang out with you. Even if you have social anxiety it'll start to fade as you interact with people more. Eventually talking to girls will be second nature, think of it like learning to play guitar or something, at first you suck, but if you really want to get good at it, you keep practicing and eventually you start to get good at it and people start to take notice, eventually you will have a sudden realization that you don't suck at playing guitar anymore, same thing goes with social interactions, it happens without you knowing then one day it hits you. Hope you sort things out user, I believe in you and any other user who is reading this.

He’s right but he’s such a faggot about it

Based and blackpilled

Fucking do it


>that fucking vomit of grammar

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>period outside the quotation marks.

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>putting depression over
Don't you fucking dare nigger, take care of yourself, seek Christ and if you can see a professional, love u u homo

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>implying frog posters ever mean what they say

Are you me? I’ve had an anxiety disorder for years and have never been suicidal. Lately, however, suicide is starting to seem like an attractive option. I don’t think I’d ever actually go through with it but the thought is definitely there.


Don't do it. It's what the Jews are trying to manipulate you into doing.

Jackpot trips of truth.

This is true. You also have satan worshippers which is what the average normie thinks of when they hear, satanist.

Since we're voting, I'm all for anyone pushing back against SWJ social media cancer.

Her tits are 90% of her body???

Some Satanist believe Satan is merely an idea & not an actual tangible being.

sunlight is everything, get in it

If he actually exited like this I'd mark out

Hang on, AEW will be awesome. Just you wait!

I really wanna see Lana in porn and nowhere else
Preferably that Kink shit where she's either gagged or too busy with a powerstrip's worth of Japanese orgasm technology strapped in every orifice to talk at length


How is it body shaming, when it was a choice? He's slamming a decision, not something like being short.

I would totally back everything she said if I were Rusev cause I bet tjat pussy is dynamite, but goddamn it has to be tough being around her when they aren't fucking