If this geek beats Lesnar after all these years, there is officially no hope.
If this geek beats Lesnar after all these years, there is officially no hope
He'll be getting help from the shield
The Shield helping him topple Lesnar would be kino as fuck if Lesnar hadn’t already lost to Reigns clean.
>anything involving the sheildettys
pick one
How many Reddit ama’s does this faggot do a week?
This, its so fucking obvious.
>Shield beat Lesnar
>Drew beats Seth
>Roman beats Drew
>10 year reign
>Babyfaces gang up on single heel
This will probably happen and it's so stupid. WCW is alive.
people have been saying this for years. He'll win and you'll cling on to the next thing as the final straw. kys e-drones
If any of this happens I'm dropping the WWE for good.
Only if you break it down in simple terms. It makes a lot of sense for the baby faces to take an opportunity to get the title off of Lesnar who's done nothing for the company or the locker room since becoming champion and holding the title at home all this time. Its a Robin Hood good guys robbing from the bad guys kind of thing.
I guess you can see it that way. I see it was 3 guys taking out a champ by cheating. While the champ has destroyed people fair and square.
Yeah and Heyman's turning on Brock. Shelton will turn on him too. And Cain and Overeem will do a run in to help the Shield.
Don't forget Mark Hunt and Cormier
You might have the 'tism though
And leukemia, I'm sure they'll try to make Brock do the job
you're the one defending a used up boring shield angle
That's pretty representive of e drones though.
so Brock leaves WWE as someone who was never stopped? Just re use the shield who will break up and make brocks ending mean nothing
It's a stupid idea, and WWE loves stupid ideas, so I wouldn't even be surprised. They'd probably try to argue that it leaves Brock with his heat, should he decide to sign back on with WWE
I would rather see roman beat him
Might as well do it while he's cancer-proof for 3 months
My hope is that Seth beats him. Lesnar has been on the top for too long. It needs to be clean, too. You can have plenty of great avenues from that point forward. Rollins VS Reigns, Rollins VS Balor, Rollins VS McIntyre. The sky is the limit.
Just work fire Lesnar, strip from the title and have 32man tournament for it that concludes at summerslam. Hell, make it 64man tournament, they have the roster for it
Bork wouldnt be around before summerslam so it doesnt matter that they dont have universal champ for 4 months. At the very least the title would mean something then.
>Rollins vs Balor
For the Universal title. Geez, how far have we fallen.
That literally was the first match for the universal title
>Lesnar hadn’t already lost to Reigns clean
He didn't tho
You literally see these matches on every Raw