Wrestlemania is going to be 8 hours long this year

>Wrestlemania is going to be 8 hours long this year
Based or cringe?

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Is WWE going to provide benefits for making us work full time?

>Implying you have anything better to do with your life than watch 8 hours of sports entertainment

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Cringe and willnotwatchpilled

>8 hours
>0 dimes

>Watching WWE after the age of 12
Yeah, I’m thinking that’s gonna be a YIKESOLA from yours truly.

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That is way too long for a show. Wrestlemania should never be longer than 5 hours tops. And that's including the preshow.

Jesus Christ, Imagine watching some shitty wrestling show that last as long as a work shift

Here’s an idea, don’t watch all of it if you won’t like it

Imagine having to go to work

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>working on a sunday


>half of it is diva shit


imagine paying to sit at WM for like 12 hours from start to finish

if they do Cena vs Joe i might jump for that match but aside form that. MISS ME WITH THAT GAY SHIT

See you Mania night you fag

>tfw your mum and dad are going to work and you’re still watching wrestling

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Does the 8 hours include the kickoff show too?

I will fast forward preshow atleast.

Based and comfypilled

it was like 10-12 hours (inc. pre. show) last year

Cringe, shows should be 4hrs max

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