Yea Forums reaction thread

post gifs and webms

Attached: 6463F153-7E22-4A98-8901-368F90FE7100.gif (267x200, 1.96M)

Can anyone post the GIF/WEBM of Tazz when he is getting food, stares for a few seconds then shrugs his shoulders?

Attached: 1529283028243.gif (200x150, 2.22M)

>"""Yea Forums""" reaction thread
All of our reaction gifs and webms are just stolen from reddit /woo/ and twitter

Attached: typical edrone.jpg (486x632, 68K)

>posting /wew/ gifs

Attached: zelinavega.jpg (480x360, 10K)

Attached: D2A02208-B8DF-440A-A7CD-1D30B1947AFF.gif (350x266, 1.7M)

Attached: 1316470514794.gif (200x200, 465K)

Attached: 10E7BA1774F8453698E2F7FC56CAB369_0.gif (200x150, 911K)