/TJPW/ general- Misao Dark Edition

>Watch TJPW on DDT Universe.
>FREE MATCHES:Sakazaki/Mizuki vs Saiki/Kobashi (****1/2) youtube.com/watch?v=x7ekUmOAt7E
>Bakeretsu Sisters vs Kamiyu and Yuna youtube.com/watch?v=E2mBmzBiEdM
>Follow along in English twitter.com/ddtpro_eng

old thread

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Other urls found in this thread:



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Step on me, goddesses

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>Sakisama & Misao vs Yuki & Miu
>Tag Titles: Yuka & Mizuki vs Kamiyu vs Yuna


>PoP Title: Miyu vs Yuka

Hello big children! It's Pomu [age undisclosed] here, protecting fun and trickery at TJPW!

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*Kicks you lightly in the shin*

i want to fuck a pencil

why is misao evil now? did sakisama get her too?

Watch the product.

>the product

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based big dick matt working this anonetty into another shoot

Getting beaten by Rika on her return proved too much for her and she mentally broke down and abandoned all the big children she had fought for for so long, now there is no one left to protect love and peace at TJPW. we are in the dark timeline.

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Tatsumi-san is sharpening her hip attak.

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Watch TJPW the Future the future, the future.

It'll show you and it's unironically the best Joshi card of the year

Where do I start with TJPW if I wanna watch? I'm interested

watch the youtube matches in the OP

and then if you enjoyed them, the "Be Updated to the Future" show is as good as any to start from.

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It's a symptom of increasing your schedule but at the same time they're kinda letting this month run cold despite running 6 shows and Miyu/Yuka

big sex appeal Unagi

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Unagi is absolutely perfect for TJPW, her personality is super enthusiastic and smiley, you can tell she loves being there, she has high sex appeal, and her leg drops are absolutely brutal. the only problem is her bizarre gimmick/outfit

Mizuki vs Yuka impersonation match was the best/funniest match they've ever done, I can't think of anything better

Stratification of the roles is an issue too. UUG are still losing matches when Hikari and Miu at least should start getting actual wins and when they do win it's when teamed with a higher card wrestler where it's the wrestler getting the actual win.

It starts to feel a bit pointless when you can look at every card and predict the winners and losers with ease right down to who's getting/eating the pins. The only times I've been surprised recently were Ito beating Maki and Pinano getting a pinfall.

Someone tell Shoko to use this transition for her yurikamome.

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>It starts to feel a bit pointless when you can look at every card and predict the winners and losers with ease right down to who's getting/eating the pins.
this is true, i can do it 100% every time

This isn't a problem when you can mask with an angle, there's approximately one of them right now

watch these two shows

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The TJPW/mal;ish collab has begun

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Imagine the taste.

Last year's 1/4 is way better. In order from that show I'd say the best ones to watch are:

>TJP '18 (1/4)
>If You Get Lost Just Go To Seijo (3/3)
>If You Get Lost Just Go To Yokohama (3/10)
>If You Get Lost Just Go To Itabashi (3/21)
>Let's Go To Osaka In the Spring (4/15)
>Yes! Wonderland (5/3)
>All the Princess Cup shows
>Up Up Tokyo Joshi (6/27)
>Hot Guys In Shin-kiba (7/21)
>Beer Garden (8/4)
>Brand New Wrestling 2 (8/25)
>All three Shin-kiba Tour shows
>5th Anniversary (12/1)
>TJP '19 (1/4)

From there every show from the Belle Epoque show (1/19) on is pretty well worth watching.

Of what?

Nodoka is hot, post pics from her photobook for this paycheck-to-paycheck barely scraping by poorfag who sends what little extra he ever has directly to Reika to help her with pay for any supplements she needs.

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Still waiting for the fanclub show to go up on youku, I really wanna watch the impersonation match

check again. it's there

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Fuck off, bum.


You're right, idk how I missed it, thanks!

Just offering my tip to getting into it if user really wants to get into it and be current. You could really just watch 2.23 tho and that would be satisfactory because the ongoing angles began there; it's just a great show too. 1.4 is neat to watch because it's their biggest show ever, largest crowd, and there's some good matches, plus the abema production. Your suggestions are good, though, if user decided they really want to deep dive.

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*beats Miyu clean*

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>melon Tabasco drink
Who came up with this shit

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>beats Rika
>beats Natsumi
>faces Miyu
>gets buried
>spends the rest of her time wrestling clowns, cats and eels on the undercard before retiring

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if I had them I'd share, user. Keep fighting the good fight.

For there to be no one built up to Miyu's level and stay there is embarrassing after this long.

Yuka, dummy

You will never make anyone laugh at Matt, user

there's only one person Matt works into a shoot here, and he's definitely not anonymous

Would you fuck off don't bring this drama bullshit here

guilty looking post

The ace is the ace for a reason.

need a wojak edit

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Is Yuka a faggot?


Yuka looks anxious.


Link to Unagi's gravure

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Misao will turn on Sakisama and take over as the new symbol of strength and beauty as she beats Miyu for the belt

thanks bbygrl

Any links for this?

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Unagi is the best thing going right now

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Any links to her other gravure? It looked better

Those maids are busted

Most real maids are to a degree so I respect to authenticity

maid cafe is like prostitute

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are they playing Miyu's theme in the background ?

Miu is a true worker. Feels nothing but disgust about this.

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are you retarded?

Google it.

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all job is like prostitute

huh, whatdya know!

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my body is ready

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I may be when I see at least a semi-full card.

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kek he walked right into that one

Isn't it more like a strip club with the no-touch rule?

Imagine how powerful Baaya must be.

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I don't know why you'd compare it to a strip club when there's no stripping involved.
It's just paying for a girl in a too-short maid dress to be nice to you and roleplay with you for a bit. Japs enjoy buying attention from the opposite sex because the majority of them are too autistic to get somebody to like them the old-fashioned way.


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this match was so good. the brilliance of Yuka

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kek got im

queen of armpits

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>Is Yuka a dyke?
Fixed, and Yes.


based marxist user

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Queen of not showing up

Literal abandonment issues.


The Nagoya show is up.

i like shoko

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Did Big Match Koda really do the deal and grab Riho?

She's going to NXT

Shes pulling a yuu and going to Europe

It seems the most likely destination. Would be a huge get for TJPW to have her as regular. I'm sure we'll know sooner than later.

don't even joke about that

Uncharacteristic closed fists from Raku!

she doesn't have bf to get her booked.


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Purest of pure strikes

Sex with Bex tier

>people think THIS is a good promotion

Powerful strikes

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Post peak Yuna

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Really I'd say she'd deserve the pay increase and such but realistically they probably feel like they have enough joshi already and she'd likely want to continue working Southeast Asia since she's popular there and seems to enjoy it.

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This is streaming at around 7am EST. The next Takagi Q&A will start immediately after.

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>pay increase

Going from Ichigaya Chocolate Hiroba and Taiwanese bingo halls to the States is going to be a pay increase.

what is merch money alex

The Raku will transcend joshi puroresu Akira Hokuto style.

Raku was holding back and working extra safe for Marika, who is glass.

So THIS is why Yoshikosama never came to TJPW...

3/31 card.

So we got:

- Nodoka/Yuki/Haruna vs. YUMI/Unagi/Mahiro
- Misao vs. Raku
- Mizuki/Rina vs. Marika/Miu
- Yuna/Kamiyu/Mina vs. Natsumi/Pinano/Pom
- Rika vs. Ito
- Kong/Shoko vs. Iwata/Hikari
- Miyu vs. Yuka

Hikari is getting a big rub to be in that semi-main. Koda sees her as the top prospect. It should be a compelling match all things considered. Raku is also getting an interesting opportunity as the other UUG to work a singles match with the new Misao. Ito and Rika should be interesting. Either one losing will be tough as Ito has been getting a strong push since losing to Miyu, and Rika has only just returned. And of course the main event is going to be a barn burner.

Looks like it's going to be a great show.

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Why did you have to add your opinions though?

>Misao vs. Raku
OK, might be fun
>Mizuki/Rina vs. Marika/Miu
>Yuna/Kamiyu/Mina vs. Natsumi/Pinano/Pom
Wow more randomly generated tag team matches. I suppose team grav might be fun
>Rika vs. Ito
Why? Why isn't Mizuki getting these chances!?
>Kong/Shoko vs. Iwata/Hikari
Is there any storyline reason why Kong and Shoko are tagging? Anyway can't wait to see Noa bodyslam Aja in front of 346 screaming Hikarimaniacs
>Miyu vs. Yuka

oh god no, someone's discussing TJPW in a TJPW thread

>Is there any storyline reason why Kong and Shoko are tagging? Anyway can't wait to see Noa bodyslam Aja in front of 346 screaming Hikarimaniacs
Not yet.
Just that Shoko is Kaiju and Aja KONG is Kaiju?

>Wow more randomly generated tag team matches
I assume this is sarcasm since teaming with UUGs is all Natsumi does.
She needs to wrestle Ito more.

please fuck off

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You retards do realise that TJPW running more shows is great because of how often the rookies get to wrestle now, right?

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Who was opposed to more shows being worked?

I ask for more creative and meaningful booking and nothing more, bitch don't yell at me.

What's the point of giving stories to people that can't back it up in-ring yet? This is why NXT runs their circuit in Florida or why Chig sends her Marvelous girls to every show she can simp

Why are you screaming?

>What's the point of giving stories to people that can't back it up in-ring yet?
That's literally what they did last year and how they gained their momentum. To me an increased schedule obviously means more effort into that.

We got this one being in every single company in Japan now. I like watching her progress.

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Must mention they did give them to the girls who can go and even the girls who weren't there yet had something. Just so we're clear.

They were working with more outsiders then and now TJPW is the most self reliant joshi company after Stardom. Its a process.

DDT moved to a new dojo (not the ome they went to after ZERO1 dojo closed but a newer one) and plan to hold shows and weekly press conferences there.

>reee why isn't everything booked like wwe!

>completely misunderstands the post even after I brought up what they were doing last year in another
Good for you, sport.

They're also simplifying UNIVERSE back into what it was before the tier system, and back to the original 900 yen price Gold membership costs. They should've kept Silver as an option but that's fine, I guess.

>Rika vs Ito
The long-awaited rematch

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no it's some dude spreading his shit opinions. He isn't discussing anything.

why are they shit?

probably from a lack of watching much

Silent Hill 3 Pom

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no wait, it was 4

Do not want.

Pomu is the best thing about tjpw

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What's with all the Steins;Gate?

Watched 3/2 and 3/10. Fun shows, without being anything more than that. Miyu is fun to watch even on low profile cards because her offense is so devastating. She has some great segments across the two events. Kamiyu's performance against BAKURETSU was enjoyable, and Yuna applied unique holds utilizing the weight of her breasts. As for Misao, there were some interesting ideas presented in her 'debut' against not as great opponents. It will be interesting to see how this character grows.

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eh, that kind of sucks, but what are you gonna do. guess i back to free member


How was the fan show from the maid cafe?

Abusing animals for entertainment. Wow.

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>Marika & Miu apparently just talk about bullshit on the bus like TikTok and Youtube
>Rika stabs people with toothpicks
>Nodoka and Ito don't clean up their shit in the locker room
>Azusa thinks Raku likes her, Miyu thinks she likes her
>Miu tried to expose the business and say that the girls liking each other was a work
>Miyu apparently goes after everyone
>Miu's YAAAAAAAY at the beginning of every show apparently lacks emotion
>Azusa's path to announcerhood is over
>Miyu talks about this one time she was at a donut shop with her sister and mom, Miyu's mom wanted a piece of her donut and Miyu said no, so her mom brought her 10 more of the same donut and left her there
>Respective birthdays this month are Mizuki (16th), Miyu (17th) and Pom (27th)

Yuki & Shoko were also on nicopro at the same time.

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These nerds went to the Urusei Yatsura Cafe afterwards.

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do i need a silver or gold membership to watch the 3.10 show

either but all you need is silver

What's the difference between them?

Silver is VOD only and Gold is also for live shows.

This won't matter for long because of

Alright I bought Silver even though it'd getting replaced soon. Miyu's original theme music is fucking amazing.

*Cums inside Yuu*

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Is that fucking Irie?

I am predicting that Misao is eventually gonna lose the mask and epaulets because they look like a bitch to wrestle in

I wanna see these 2 have sex just to understand how they'd do it.

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Miyu looking jacked

*effortlessly outshines all the other rookies in your path*

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That's not YUMI.

Ito made her look really good in their recent match. Just like Ito has been making the other rookies look good. She just been crushing it since losing to Miyu. The way she's moving in the ring, putting moves together, making things look pretty snug, overall she's been at her best. And she's been doing it largely with the rookies to boot! She's clearly been working on her game. But Unagi did work well with her, though. She also did as much with Rika. So yeah, she's looked pretty good in her singles matches compared others.

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I want to see her naked

I would like to take her kayfabe virginity.

Yeah it was a top match, both of them looked great.

Is she the worst on the roster? Whenever she gets tagged in you can just hear the air turn cold.

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Yuna offends me more cause she could be better if she wasn't so fucking lazy but she's been more fun to watch with Kamiyu.
Relative to time active Marika is absolutely the worst though.

*Garners a louder crowd response than a Nodoka Tenma singles match with an elbow drop and choppas in the corner*

She's the Michaels of Mirai Shoujo now that Yuu is gone.

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Yuki is worse than Marika

Wild two big human slags of meat slapping on each other?

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What is the appeal of Rika exactly? She's so bland

Sex with kamiyu

>former idol
>passionate babyface
>was friends with zombie lesbian
>was friends with hero
>crushes on cis rabbit

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All Waifu Wrestling


Get mad, nigga

Happy Birthday, Mizuki!

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And of course the classic.

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-e-drone seething

Best worker in the fed

Good babyface charisma, good in-ring worker, stepped up massively when given the chance.

I miss Ito Respect Army.

she does hip attack

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>>cis rabbit

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her nose is humongous

It sounded funnier than straight rabbit, ok I hate twitter

made for BBC

chop chop chop
chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop

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The high speed of Hikari Michaels.

Hikari will bring the belt back into Koda's betamale hands

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I'll give you one better.

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She's shorter than Miyu who's billed at 5'5 but I don't think Toni or Kelly would end up being that much shorter than her.

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This is how Itoh lost her virginity


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Miyu is barefoot more or less, but it does look like Yuu is taller than 5'1. Toni Storm probably isn't 5'5, which is what Viper is billed as. Everybody just lies really.

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why did you message that guy on twitter?

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Miu has the most energy as a performer over every other UUG by a huge margin. Her voice is loud and clear during every performance while the other 3 are basically whispering.

>Imanari is extra-animated when emphasizing the importance of having Yuna Manase on his new brand Potchari Joshi (plus-sized women PW)

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Yunachads look like THAT?

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Who will win the Princess Cup?

I think Misao will get far, but I think Rika or Natsumi will win. A Misao vs Rika final would be dimes.

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Sakisama will be the champion so Misao can't win

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Nodoka is the cutest, post her photobook pics

Mahiro Academia

worked twitter.com/mizupyon3/status/1106804447970131968?s=19

Go buy it you chump

Everytime Raku gets on SHOWROOM she either looks like she's ready to cry or she just finished doing it.

She has a great ass.
go fucking bug someone on Twitter or something

Does raku have autism


>gay twitter memes

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I don't have twitter, but I'm sure if I did you'd stalk my profile, bitchboy.

I am in love with Raku Michaels.

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>Raku Michaels

Piano is my favorite up up shitter

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miu's movements in the ring are stiff like a robot.

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Did they?

the big boobs on her look weird
She has is too short and very thin...
But. Milkies?

The last time an UUG wasn't in the main event of a non-title show was 2 months ago

at least someplace in the world takeshiter has fans who appreciate his in ring ability

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Misao/Raku is gonna suck.

He clearly did his Finger Stomp + Knee Strike spot if they're going this wild. It's his best spot


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what a weird body

Where's the Misao fanart at?

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She's like Ito and has kind of a big head.

TJPW is a big head fed

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based quads BTFOing the autist

Reikas new hair is growing on me

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Reika is really cute

Miu is beautiful

pinano is an enigma.
i want to learn more about this pinano.

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she is pure and beautiful

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not a virgin

That's enough out of you

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*literally simulates sucking a giant black dong*

it is a standard practice as part of setsubun to eat a large sushi roll in the lucky direction

have sex

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is it standard practice among wizards like you to know about whatever setsubun is?

knowing about some of the traditions of other cultures rather than being sexually frustrated to the point of confusing such traditions with whatever porn you watch is not at all the work of wizardry

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technically it's growing on her

It's apparently been out for a week or something but nobody said anything or promoted it

KANNA looking based as fuck here

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I wonder what happened to Erin

>"I don't care if nobody else thinks I'm hot, just so long as the one I love does."
Who is it?
Do you think she's hot?

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I mean she's out of my league easily but I wouldn't say she's hot.

Is her face getting smaller?

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She said she's lost weight around her face but she still has her big head

I appreciate the guy translating her tweets but I can't get over how he translates モテる. It just means "to be popular." Even with it mostly referring to popularity with the other sex, just translating it as "to be hot" gives a weird sexual connotation to Itoh just saying "I want the guy I like to like me even when nobody else does."

5. Shoko
4. Mizuki
3. Reika
2. Yuka
1. Miyu

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>tfw no nerdy shoko gf

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TBF the line isn't exactly out of range of something Ito would say or imply. It does sound a little weird reading, though.

its strange to think korakuen is 6 weeks away

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>Those pants

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t. seething wizard

This kaiju needs to stop hiding her cuteness

replace Mizuki with Haruna and you're right


worked and seethepilled

Someone just post the picture of handsome Namba.

when's the shinkiba card?

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when you have sex

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Someone make a new thread before I make another saki one

Low effort new thread