Honestly surprised this hasn't been posted here lol


Honestly surprised this hasn't been posted here lol.
Its basically a guy exposing what a kike Dave Meltzer is lmao...

>b-but Reddit!!

Nobody is going to post something like this here lmao
Just read it

Attached: davemeltzer.jpg (300x250, 27K)


Dave haters confirmed Reddit

You know he's Jewish right?
Lol...he's the classic kike.
He made an entire living off of an industry that most people don't even get a living from. Not only that but he gets paid more and is more relevant than 90 percent of the actual performers.
The dude's a classic Jew lol and this post exposes how shitty he is too other people

And that's why Metlz is on top.

If you say so Reddit.

Meltz had the plate for a while by outjewing guys like this, but it's a new era and he's going to be CANCELLED by Ryan Satin.

TL;DR. Pepe going over this simp no dime redditor

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Attached: 1549590824980.jpg (270x480, 12K)

Literally Rebbit.

If you read the replies they call the OP out for being full of shit.

>Actually linking reddit

Attached: 181206083851053_deco.jpg (640x480, 137K)

>uses wwf copyrighted material
>wwf tells him to stop

Attached: maga3.jpg (1080x720, 91K)

Ya seethe?

Oh my god, the first 4 paragraphs where he about the stupid news site he set up is a waste of time. Just skip to the part where says "And then Meltzer showed up..."

>the people in this thread pretending they don't surf reddit

Attached: 1525325145437.png (344x214, 65K)

I'm not reading something some brainlet wrote on reddit. Either post it here, or don't bother.

>guy got his story picked apart one by one
>the rest of the thread is about old tech and how "you've got mail" is an accurate depiction of pre-9/11 american life
OP sucks dicks and loves it

Attached: big show wow.gif (200x200, 2.06M)

>gets worked by a child in 1993
>gets worked by a storyline on a children's TV show in 2019

lmao Meltz might be the most autistic lonely gargoyle cunt ever

>yfw Meltzer did to wrestling journalism what Vince did to wrestling

Attached: kenny smug.jpg (887x643, 86K)

I read the thread. They didn't really disprove anything other than be skeptical due to the timeframe, and there's idiots in there even trying to pretend that Meltzer was never on WWF payroll. He even gave them the old site URL to try and find archives. I have no reason not to believe the guy but it's not really important nowadays, since it's been proven over and over that Meltzer has no real sources anymore and is trying to get by on established reputation and guesswork.

link to fastlane WOR pls?

Go away and never come back, you faggie

I can't even imagine how you arrive at the decision to subscribe to Meltzer. Why would anyone think that was a reasonable thing to do.

this is the true way of telling a redditor. you fags unironically assume that everybody else browses that shit site

fake news

Go back

Wait for the $3.99 sale, download all the old obit back issues, cancel sub

>Just read it

Attached: 1536654335544.png (800x480, 212K)


I like the podcasts and his insight into business and history.


I dare you to make that post on reddit pussy

>redditors trashing things they weren't alive for

What wlswvis now?

Noooooo think of my fake internet points


literally this

fucking zooming e-drones

>leddit writing fanfics about Dave
lmao fags



Fuck you and your cringe Reddit spacing. This is Meltzer country