Will it finally unseat WM9 as the WOAT?

Will it finally unseat WM9 as the WOAT?

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no you’re just a seetheball

None of the modern day manias are worse than the first 9 just for production value alone.


Nice try.

Motherfucker it took 10 manias for WWE to finally have one they call good and 17 before they had one that could be called great.

Manias before 10 were largely one match shows if lucky or relied entirely on a spectacle to sell te event

>seething zoomerfag

This to be honest. People who bitch about muh part timers weren't around to see that they used to rely on real celebrities like Mr. T and Mike Tyson

You gotta come to terms that any mania 1-9 isnt isnt even as good as WM25 which is already a terrible mania.

Someday you will stop pretending to be my actual age and see the godawful first 9 manias for the shitfests they are.

Hey whoa man I like 9

>Steiners best WWF match
>that weird Hall/Backlund match
>sexy Sherri
>Doink highjinks
>hilarious Caesar setting and clothing
>Heenan backwards on an elephant
>Hogans disgusting black eye
>El Gigantes comical selling
>Hogan stealing the spotlight
>Jap photographers

9 is really comfy if you're in the right mood. WM11 is the WOAT

also this is probably the most reddit wrestlemania too

I remember everyone saying 31 would be the worst and it turned out to be one of the best.

Everyone's expectations were at a tremendous low going into the event. Anything mediocre, seemed amazing.

WM31 isnt a bad show, but it's a far cry from one of the best.

9 is weird bad
11 and 2 (my woat contender) are just straight up shit.

Meltzer said it was the best WWE show ever.

I think it will actually turn out being pretty based

literally the past 4 Manias have been boring as sin.

Meltzer was also there live and had openly admitted to rating shows that he attends in person more highly. In addition he already rates WWE on a scale and gives them a pity "thanks for trying" bonus star.

Either way

>One of the best

It was adequate at best. Don't kid yourself.

>Womens Raw title shit fest
At least that should be the end of it right?
>Shane vs Miz
The match literally no one asked for
>Paul vs Dave
Might be cool for the entrances and story telling but needs run ins
>D Bry vs KO vs Kofi vs Ali
Hopefully they make it a ladder match or something, might be good
>Braun vs some guy
Actual piss break
>Team Fat Girls vs Natty and Beth
Who cares? Beth might get killed by Nia though
>Seth vs Brock
Its this low because the build has been so boring I forgot about it

Wow this card looks like trash

>rating diva shit that high

>Thinking this was a rating.
The diva shit is the only storyline they are actually pushing and is obviously going to be the main event

>rated seth brock that low because its boring
yeah sure.... wont be surprised if you attend chanting for becky

You're a retarded nignog who needs to read. It literally said he forgot about it and that's why he added it last.

>production value
Fuck off Dunn

35 has been overbooked to death and no one but Daniel Bryan looks strong going into the event and they still have 4 weeks to ruin his character.

and Wrestlemania 11 and 2 is worst than 9

THIS. WM11 was absolute shit.

WM9 was bad, but at least had a freakshow element to it for some entertainment value.

I was at Wrestlemania IX, no one knew who Bob Backlund was.

Bryan has control over his character to a degree it looks like, so he'll be fine

As for OPs question, no wont be a WOAT.
Bryan is enough to save it himself.
Also KO is back, Sami might be back soon, Joe is US champ.
Brock rollins might be decent as well.
Maybe a few random motn contenders as well.

Let's not sleep on 27 as a fucking awful Mania.

WM26 was by far the biggest let down of a great card on paper.

32 was pretty bad, everyone was injured, only heels went over all night except for roman and zack ryder (?), jericho beat aj for some reason and the hell in a cell match was 30 minutes of two old guys crawling around on their hands and knees with one big stunt spot and a stipulation that was reversed the next night. cap it off with a snoozefest main event that literally nobody wanted to see


I'd argue 27 was as bad as 9 if not worse. The main event was booked solely to set up the next 2 main events.

Absolutely this.
Say what you will about Manias 25, 27, 29, 32, 33, and 34, each one of them BTFO of any of the first nine Wrestlemanias any fucking day.