Be Ali

>Be Ali
>Gets injured so Kofi takes your place
>Kofi admits he's been goofing around for years
>Has good matches with Daniel Bryan, which is very easy unless you're a huge shitter like Cass
>Crowd get super hot for him and proving Bryan right on how fickle fans are
>Ali comes back
>Much better worker, cool entrance, cool background
>Gets boo'd
>Eventually is cheared because like in 205 these guys can only get over by killing themselves
>Still a poorer reaction than Owens who has always been a dick heel and now he's a face(i'm not even sure what his character is)
Poor Ali, must suck coming out almost as a heel because the audience didn't get Kofi.

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it was a test. he passed the test. he's wwe champ this year

>i'm not even sure what his character is
He's supposed to be the "common man" character, that's why they stress his family, him being just like the fans, and him being a fatass

The ol' "Rey Mysterio is #30 at Bryan's Rumble" spot.

Ali is going to be Kofi's feud after his Daniel Bryan rematch(es) and after that, we're getting a Kino as fuck Orton feud.

Honestly Kofi's WWE Championship reign looks like it could be hype as fuck.

>we're getting a Kino as fuck Orton feud
If Orton stops being a lazy cunt and if Vince and his idiots don't ruin a simple but potential great feud remoting to basically a decade, I'd agree.
Remember they completely botched Bryan vs Miz

crowd was so fucking over for Kofi lol, wtf is even going on. Kofi is winning for sure, Ali was just a way to big up Kofi and get the crowd SUPER over for him.

no way, he's too young, and not good enough.

Ali didn't get a lot of heat and he got the match over. Dude is a top guy now. Last night was a baptism.

>no way, he's too young, and not good enough.
Mustafa is 32 and has been wrestling two years longer than Kofi has. But you're right, he's clearly not good enough for the Jinder Mahal Memorial Championship.

Thank god he got injured so that someone who's actually over took his place

>after his Daniel Bryan rematch(es)

Man, I thought wwe was done with this fucking shit. Didn't they say no more contractual rematches?

I'm so sick of these 6 month feuds and 5+ plus matches that you zoomerfags love so much.

Bryan WILL have a rematch clause once he drops to Kofi. That cant be helped.

why does everyone think that everybody wants too be have the belt. It's a lot more work and pressure. you can't just do easy matches and you have to be on the mic all the time.

If we are going that route, being a main eventer/world champion = much more money

>feeling bad about a trumpf fan

LOL no

fuck this guy

that's no longer a thing.

I am glad he kinda won the crowd over, I've always been weirdly high on this dude.

God, shut the fuck up....

Nothing weird, he's a great wrestler and cuts cool promos when has the freedom to do it. Plus, he and Murphy made dead crowds that couldn't give a single shit about 205 to chant this is awesome and be invested in their matches

Mustafa should go full cop gimmick and shoot Kofi

>kofi marks saying the match was boring
Have they even seen that nigga wrestle? There is a reason all his highlights come from those rumble spots. All the best tag matches new day has had were carried by big E

Ali is based.

Can't wait until Murphy gets off the manlet show and delivers main event classic on PPV with Styles, Bryan, Joe, Rollins, etc.