Attached: 1552289787358.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

Flippy man literally has a few years before he has to retire early

Ricochet isn't gonna last long

People give Roode a lot of shit but that was A+ work.

>not being strong enough to catch him and power bomb him

Hahaha fucking pathetic send him to the t shirt factory with the other manlets

Roode is boring in the ring, but he knows what he's doing and is very solid technically

Can anybody explain what did daniel bryan do in this webm?

Why would you bump your neck to sawdust for a bunch of tents?

I've been a Roode fan and supporter since TNA - Beer money was great, his heel turn was great as well. He was good in NXT also and has a great walk-in theme
He and Gable need to become superheels

Gable making the tag was more impressive then the dive

>he doesn't ass slap his bro before his gymnastic routine

10/10 stuff from Roode. Broke his fall like a cushion.
This is the kind of stuff Ricochet should only pull on guys woth enough ring awareness unless he wants to kill himself.

THis match and the US title match were awesome - sux that the rest of the show was mediocre

Where were you when Ciampa was getting booked?

WWE title match was good

roode in nxt was absolutely a star. how do you manage to fuck him up. i feel bad for the guy. shoulda turned up in a suit and only worn suits and pull out the robe for big matches.

Is Ricochet the jannety to Ospreay?

ospreay is beefy these days he looks genuine good and has toned down the flips a bit.

the dive
the catch
the tag
all pretty based desu

Hes been doing this spot for years he just looks tired in this match

It says a lot about McFlips here that a spot like this seems safe enough because he's got someone to keep him safe but when he does shit like his 630 flip on his own he fucks up his own back

Vince heard the theme and thought "this guy has to be a babyface" that was the end for Bobby Roode.

fuck flipposhit and fuck white people


he was tagging him in not saving him from the floor you jabronie


Ciampa was his own fault, mark.

Eat shit, road dogg

Based & this

>it's road dogg's fault Ciampa is an uncoordinated manlet

Swing and a miss, seether

He has a pretty solid looking spine buster, though

>rey mysterio has been doing flips for 30 years
>still going strong
what did Yea Forums mean by this

Rey is some bizarre athletic blend of manlet and alpha which means he can bump for days and take no damage

Because Vince heard the fans reaction to his theme and turned him face because of it.

seamus is a risky no-dimes shitter, that's why they need cesaro to babysit him now. incidentally, if that sunset flip had been on cesaro it would have landed five, despite cesaro being bigger than seamus

He was probably going to land sideways on his ass and blow out his lower back if Roode didn't catch him, really.

so what you're saying is flippy shit is a safe wrestling style

Attached: IHUUaAD.jpg (810x539, 42K)

Lets conveniently ignore the fact that he's had more leg surgeries than Kevin Nash and if he hadn't gotten some shady stem cell operations in Mexico, the dude would be on a wheelchair.

what does neck surgery have to do with his knees

If you watch Rey, he really doesn't bump particularly hard that often. He's usually running around and jumping and landing on his feet, and it's all smooth and shit. He's had a couple of knee injuries, which is going to be largely unavoidable when you're jumping around like he does for decades on end, but he's protected the entirety of his spine pretty well.

I don't think I've ever seen Rey do a dive as silly as the one Ricochet did.

>leg surgeries

ciampa's shelved because he got neck surgery, user

Pray that Ricochet is never booked into a match with Miz.

it means that ricochetty is so much of a shitter that even in his own flippy style he will likely end up crippled and forced to go into an early retirement unlike Rey.

i honestly don't recall ricochet having any major injuries either. maybe being in great shape and keeping yourself that way instead of being a roided-up glass statue full of liquor and pain pills makes you less injury prone?

>flippy shit is dangerous
you are truly a mark if you believe this

Seems your reading comprehension is green as goose shit

Attached: 1551576537500.webm (744x404, 1.95M)

I can get on board with this.

>flippy shit is dangerous
>you are truly a mark if you believe this
I believe I said Ricochetty is dangerous. for himself.
No idea why you're turning this into a case of me thinking flippy shit can't be safe when I'm agreeing on what ya said about Rey.

>didn't recognize the pic
Ya got worked

given that ricochet has been wrestling for fifteen years and still hasn't killed himself or slowed down i'd say that you are manifestly wrong

this is based tho. that's insane

This shit triggers me every single time it's posted.

Attached: killingthefuckingbusiness.png (640x480, 304K)

okay then. I still think he's a shitter who might get himself crippled on a literal who RAM show.

I wish Pedomod could word filter webms. This and the Elite dropkick spot need to be banned for cringe.

>worked by wrestling
Baby want to fiwtuh bad movie, flippy man make baby cwy, wahhhh, janny pwease fiwtuh flippy man he uh he uh he uh make me cwyyyyyy waaaahhhhhhh

Attached: guardbird-08.jpg (400x218, 15K)

>Elite dropkick spot

And all Sasha gifs and webums

Attached: Sasha Is Still The Worst Wrestler Ever.webm (1280x720, 3M)

Attached: worked.png (492x1054, 351K)

Wow, she's unironically terrible.

But a black did the flip

rey is a mexican
luchadores have been doing flippy shit for decades
its in their dna

It's fucking ridiculous how bad she is

Attached: Sasha Is The Worst Wrestler Ever.webm (640x480, 2.57M)

reddit comments

What episode of Naruto was this?

Does anyone have a webm of Naomi doing those awful "rapid fire kicks"?

Easily. Ospreay will be challenging for the IWGP title within the year while Ricochet might get an IC title reign for 5 minutes.

Attached: 1551784063248.webm (1280x720, 1.82M)

>He and Gable need to become superheels
they'd fuck this up in a heartbeat

why can't ANY woman wrestler figure out how to run the ropes? it's so fucking bad and it's a huge reason i can't watch divashit

Attached: 1496355154542.jpg (375x375, 39K)

They should use the middle rope or get their own show with a smaller ring.

that's how all of the guys do it too

agreed. it just makes more sense that way. i remember watching the women's rumble this year and thinking they should change the rule for elimination to over the top OR middle rope since it was painfully obvious the women lacked the physical strength or skill to get over the top rope. it was really hard to watch. i'll bet that was a contributing factor in why it took so long. over an hour and 12 minutes. by comparison, the men's rumble was around 56 minutes.

Ricochet would have been okay. Ryback is the true botch savior.

Attached: based big guy.gif (320x176, 1.79M)

>the women lacked the physical strength or skill to get over the top rope

Attached: b77a1765fc5c7a53465969bb27eac822fbd540c29af0d8e2d19ac870449ad54e.jpg (378x378, 31K)

Sasha probably weighs like 110


>Sasha probably weighs like 110
and she's short. so why wouldn't she use the middle rope the way rey mysterio does. she'd generate a lot more velocity that way and it'd look more believable

the based guy saving his little buddy

>1 slap

she's evolved

Attached: count the slaps.webm (1280x720, 2.97M)

By far. Ricochetty did 1000 flips and never got noticed until LU put a mask on his mark ass. Ospreay did his flippy shit and got hand picked by Okada to someday main event against him at the Tokyo dome.

Because ropes hurt. That's the same reason most of the guys in WWE can't run the ropes properly either.

I don't get the "bump his neck to sawdust" meme, there's been two webms posted today with Ricochet flipping and the poster acting like he botched it when neither one has him hitting his head/neck anywhere and he successfully performs the move in both.

Is the meme dumb sensationalism and overreactions to nothing? Is that supposed to be the funny part?

she looks so fucking awful in the ring. What do you think she would be doing if she wasn't related to Snoop?

Attached: all we are is dust in the neck.webm (1280x720, 3M)

The 630 was a botch, he's not supposed to land on his back. The flip over the post wasn't the way he usually does it , either he was tired or the short distance put him off because he under rotated. If some random shutter had been there instead of roo he would have fallen on his back or neck instead of almost on his feet. He also force roo to take a bigger impact than he normally would have

ospreay is way more versatile and might even be better at flipping

All wrestlers are bumping their necks into sawdust, but people like Ricochet are doing it faster