Book his debut.
Book his debut
This nigga peaked when he won the WHC at Wrestlemania XX and celebrated with Eddie.
>Hard In The Paint by Waka Flocka Flame playing in the backround
that video is peak based
is the source also 11 seconds long? this always feels like it needs more time at the beginning
i have only seen a 11 second version so i guess that's it
>this drunk guy can still kip up
Lacey Evans blown the fuck out
>Shane O Mac
>the college years
>Nia has a live snack celebration with a full spread of KFC laid out on a table in the ring
>she starts with a handful of biscuits
>lights go out
>spotlight focuses on Dive Guy in the rafters
>lights come on
>dives thru the table of KFC
>crowd is dead silent
>Nia keeps eating
>Thots are celebrating
>The Fallen Angel ends the party
>slaps thigh
>That image
>bumping your neck to sawdust for doritos and a beer
>White people
Nice bait
Blue blazer
>thought he was dead
>did a kip up
>no sold everything
bonce ronce
based white guys
>Oh my god! It's based headbutt guy with a diving headbutt!
>It's a DQ, a DQ. Lesnar versus Rollins ends in disqualification. Lesnar retains!
>Didn't your mother tell you not to drink and dive?
>Wait, what's this? He's cashing in a money in the bank briefcase. How is that possible; it's his first day on the roster.
>Oh my God, I recognize that seaweed anywhere. It's Damien Sandow's original money in the bank contract, and somehow it has fallen into his hands.
>But can he beat Lesnar? His skull may have been crushed open from that diving headbutt from the top of the arena, but he's still spasming quite a bi-
>He's done it! He's done it! Based Drunk Headbutt Guy is the NEW Universal Champion. His first day in the WWE and already he's slayed the beast and become world champion on the grandest stage of them all.