Who would you rather?

Who would you rather?

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I like animals.


Honestly they both seem to have GOAT bodies and ugly as hell mugs.
I'm going with Sasha.

I like lean tight bodies but then the whiter it is the better

bayley. straight up her fat ding-dong diddly brapper


Easy way to decide this

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bayley. Got a hug from her at an nxt house show in '16 and she was so silky smooth. That with the big tits, tight body, delicious butt. Yup, sign me up.

I think Sasha would be the better lay tho

Attached: Sasha2.jpg (640x640, 91K)

Why is Bayley still employed.

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Sasha, but it'd be hard as hell to pass fucking Bayley's fat round ass

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I'm 99% sure Sasha is a freak in the sheets and would be into getting her pits licked, anal, pegging and other stuff so I'm picking her

Bayley. At least her hair is real. Fucking niggers and their nappy shit or disgusting weaves.


She's a bitch, and bitches never want to do anything in bed aside from laying there. It's the nice girls like Bayley that are into trying new things.

I want to cum on both of their stomachs.

>green as fuck user can't even call a squash match

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Bagley I guess

bayley 100% real big ass, great pair of big tits. Botcha has ass pads, a cups and will be a dead fish

I want one sucking each testicle with their asses in the air.

Bay all day.

Bayley's ass is hard to resist but she looks like she smells so probably Sasha

Sasha is a nog so she is guaranteed to smell. With Bayley there's a chance of good hygiene

one looks like a horse and the other looks like a foot