Who else is looking forward to this exciting Mania match...

Who else is looking forward to this exciting Mania match? Sure hope it doesn't exist just so some flippy dive doesn't get reversed into a MemeKO.

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I can't think of a wrestler that I love more but want to watch less than Randy. He either needs to quit fucking around and be the top heel and he can be or he needs to fuck off.

Styles will go for his springboard 450 and Orton will catch him into an RKO for the unfortunate win.

You just know it.

On one hand I kind of feel bad that these two aren't a part of anything more significant this year than some workhorse filler match but then i thought about it a few seconds more and realized they're boring old dad-shitters these days now so fuck em and fuck this match. Also fuck niggers and fuck jannies.

Someone who is still watching E on a weekly basis tell me why are they fighting?

You wanted to be based so much that you ended up being cringe!

They're too important to be left off the mania card but not relevant enough to be involved in anything meaningful.

Old dad matches where they keep high spots to a minimal and slowly structure into climax are the most based, you ADHD sufferer. Literally not enough flips for ya pinhead.

I bet you actually liked Taker/Trips end of an era forever for the last time ever we mean it guys look theres a hell in the cell this time too haha please don't leave and get popcorn