Think about it. WWE is a very PR conscious company nowadays, and with all the noise about the women main eventing, if they backed out went with another Brock main event, they'd get a lot of heat. But what if they have the WWE title main event (as it should) and Kofi goes over? The people who'd create a PR shitstorm over the women not main eventing are the exact people clamouring for a black WWE champion. Thoughts? Can Kofi save us?
Only Kofi Kingston can save us from the humiliation of women main eventing WM
I like Kofi because he’s Kofi and he’s damn entertaining. Him being “black” is irrelevant in my book.
it's not happening so you're wasting your time
Imagine how bad things are when Kofi fucking Kingston is considered a saviour
Kofi winning would be based but then you’d realize that WWE would then have nothing plan with him and he’d most likely instantly drop the belt back to Bryan or AJ a month later.
a woman or a black... whoever wins, we lose.
If we’ve had a black president we’ve had a black wwe champ. It’s a false issue liberals use to stir shit so I’d love to see it used against them. Plus it’s also not really different to Mark Henry and Booker T having runs. Women main eventing would be a new low and devalue the world titles
Anything that hastens the demise of WWE is good in my book. I hope the women main event. I'm done being hopeful
neither world title program is as over with the fans that pay to see WWE as Becky's story. Sorry.
The fans that pay to see Becky are creepy little incels that fuck pillows. This isn’t some “Yay women” movement it’s a bunch of uggo male wrestling fans who want to sniff Becky’s feet.
>We can't have women do it
>So lets have a black Man do it
Why have White Men become so suicidal?
so booker t 2.0? or is that r truth
Aska can main event, that's cool. The balls on Vince thinking otherwise.
It's already happened. Also gender before race in the age of feminism and #metoo
I'm not watching either way. I don't give a fuck.
WWE title can main event if they want it, Kofi is getting the same treatment from the crowd as Becketty
This, tbqhwyfam
His match will be a curtain jerker and a 4 way
No way does Kofi main event over Rousey. Women are the ultimate beneficiaries of diversity.
Kofi fucking sucks
>Plus it’s also not really different to Mark Henry and Booker T having runs
neither of those guys were a chicken chest shitter
being a comedy low carder for a decade doesn't mean you deserve a mania championship spot
R truth in his prime is 3x mote talented than kofi or booker.
It goes black woman > any woman > black men on the PC scale.
it would also let them go with their original plan of charlotte winning and still give them a "feel-good" moment to end wrestlemania on.
What the fuck is going on? I stop watching WWE a year ago and now I hear that the main event of WrestleMania is either some ladies or a midcard geek slapfight? Yeah...I made the right choice.
nice try jamal. nope, let the stacies main event. at least they're white.
Okay, this is the third time I've seen you post this verbatim. And I don't even shitpost here often.
Low rent pasta, if it's even that. I imagine you're some autistic doofus trying to get his point across to a bunch of strangers who could care less about his opinion.
He's as jewish as the day is long
i have never posted on this before but imagine seething this hard about it either way
They might not be as high on the PC agenda but they're still black. Complain about the first black man winning the wwe title main eventing and you risk being called a racist. And there's nothing the left fears more than that
why soýboys love Kofi and Becky so much?
kofi and becky is my blacked OTP