Have we ever confirmed who Simon and the Green Shirt Guy are? I would assume they are plants, but how do these guys benefit WWE?
Have we ever confirmed who Simon and the Green Shirt Guy are? I would assume they are plants...
The fuck? Is long hair dude a tranny now?
I'm finma gonna puke bulbasaur
From what I heard a few years ago, Simon's dad died and left him and his mom a ton of money. Simon travels around to all the big WWE shows and takes his mom along so she doesn't have to sit home alone.
WTH, that is cleavage.
Kek, it’s a collar. Just Google Rhea Ripley if you want to fap to a tranny.
look at those beaks
He got implants a while back and then showed up at The Rumble with pink hair; fully transitioned.
This is like when fans brought South Park signs in the late 90s. A sign of the times. Now they get breast implants and say that they're women.
If I was a wrestler I would be getting increasingly creeped out at the state of this modern fanbase.
It's also because the product sucks and pushed away the normal mainstream fans. All that you see are grown men with their moms and trannies. It's pathetic.
Yeah, yeah, blah blah, now what about the green shirt guy though, he's literally has the same front row seat for the last 10 years of PPV probably.
He's in the front row right now sporting a goatee.
dem noses
I have no idea why wwe lets these ugly fans sit on the camera side
It makes their shows seem so uncool when the same losers are sitting there every week
this IS what normal is now, incels.
get with teh times
Big breasts Simona>Big knife Manju
fuck him, fuck trannys, fuck attentionwhores
I will never normalize mental illness.
>ohnoes! the boys and girls are making me angry because they're not acting to my preconceived notions!
Nobody is angry, they just think it's a retarded cult trend to laugh at
Did you just ASSUME my mood???
Seriously tho nobody is angry. You guys are just a joke.
what a based dude. I actually like him now. although I ve seen them at ppv s as far back as attitude era ….. how old exactly is he ?
is he really a tranny ? pictures ? I haven't noticed him or his mom at any recent ppv s now that I think of it ….
All WWE fans are ugly
Simon looks good with the beard, desu senpai
who are these guys? rich mother fuckers or plants?
He looks like Brian kendrick
imagne being this worked by misinformed user. The guy was there tonight and looked normal.
Where do they get this money that they can afford to travel all around the country and buy expensive tickets on a weekly basis?
Simon is a good boy. He is a great son to his mom. Green shirt guy is a queer. I hope he chokes on a hotdog and dies right there on tv
Not convincing in the slightest.
If I wanted to be a chick I would at least want to look halfway convincing.
I thought his dad worked on set work and he got free tickets
My mom would never go out to wrestling with me. She think it is white trash redneck shit, My grandpa used to take my Uncle to see midget wrestling back when you could smoke in the Arena
Get a load of that lady's schnozz on the left. Looks like the nose of a witch or something.
Hilariously enough the guys who don't take it that seriously like the webcam traps tend to look leagues better, but maybe that's because looking good is what gets them money.
I've always wondered about these guys. How do you know his name is Simon? Any info on the green shirt dude?
>anons angrily vent about "freaks" and "mentally ill weirdos"
>In a thread about a random civilian in the crowd on tv who they incorrectly assumed was transgender
>Meanwhile, the guy they're talking about is totally normal
Never change, you mentally deranged losers.
what attitude era show is he visible on?
Definitely not true, his dad was with him at the last Long Beach NJPW Show
This lol. They should be relegated to the hard cam side. Imagine a noobie watching WWE and seeing the same fucking people in the front row every week yet they say they're in a different city every week. How is that believable.
This tranny is SEETHING