So what's the real reason Kofi was replaced by KO?
So what's the real reason Kofi was replaced by KO?
So that WWE can see if they can hype him enough to give him the match at wrestlemania.
because Kofi will have his match at mania
Black History Month ended
bulbasaurs don't draw dimes.
So Sami can cost Owens the victory by joining Bryan's group and reignite his eternal feud at the same time. Owens versus Sami and Bryan versus Kofi at WrestleMania.
This would work AND make sense.
Then confirmed for not happening
>Kofi loses title shot
>R-Truth loses US title
>Naomi jobs to Mandy in a 1:30 long match
unironically this
A tag team match? Yawn.
No. I meant that having Sami interfere gets two birds stoned at the same time.
10/10 booking. Would watch.
It was pretty bad. Was anyone else hoping Lil Jimmy would keep the US title till Wrestlemania and face down Cena?
Sami is a neat idea, but also Harper just had his first match back last night.
this man is based
Based, in what gimmick?
screwjob interference resulting in a triple threat at mania where kofi pins owens clean in the middle of the ring to close mania
Surprisingly, as the Big Rig
The recycling committee
>Brother Brodie is back
That gimmick would draw dimes if done right like the movie over the top
>trucker hat merch
>worker shirts merch
You must be Kevin Nash and it must be 1992 because you have just been raped into submission