> SJW hysteria made WWE release the most transcendental talent in pro wrestling since The Rock
SJW hysteria made WWE release the most transcendental talent in pro wrestling since The Rock
>> SJW hysteria made WWE release the most transcendental talent in pro wrestling since The Rock
She’s cute
I never noticed his wack ass tattoos
Based MAGAcutie
does he have a hooters tattoo
he really was "entertaining" though. Xpac style heat. or The Miz. it was worth your time or money to watch him get beat up, yet was funny enough on the mic to warrant not changing the channel.
he was possibly based
Yeah, he was the manager of the Hooters that Liv worked at in Florida. It's strange that isn't more common knowledge. She only got into prowrestling cause he was into it and ultimately, after he got fired she sent tweets out making fun of him.
Bitches be fucking COLD
didn't Enzo cheat on her tho?
you left out the part where he apparently cheated on her
The guy is a cunt who couldn't wrestle.
Wrestling doesn't matter virgin
wrestling doesn't get you over you dumb fuck
otaku workrate crinfe
>Wrestling doesn't matter virgin
>cringe and unchecked
Banging ringrats is part of the job description and a legit perk of being a prowrestler. It's like being a rockstar. A girl dating a lead singer wouldnt expect him to be faithful on the road, so why have a double standard for wrestling?
Not enough flips for you?
I wouldnt cheat on liv, thatbwas
>Looks like an idiot
>Uses humor to cover up closeted homosexual-ism
>Condescending ego
>Cant wrestle
Definitely the rock
the biggest crime was breaking up Enzo and Cass without even so much as a tag title run. Vince flushed so much money down the toilet with that. But nooooo, Vince had to get a boner for Cass because he was tall and his dumbfounded general disdain for tag teams didn't help either.
THIS. That's why you gotta find a good woman, like Jericho. Or date someone like Paige. Someone who gets the lifestyle.
Enzo was not in the wrong and after having false rape accusations levied against him, he should be embraced, not shunned.
no offense, but are you a famous prowrestler or traveling rockstar?
i think you should try having sex first before debating cheating on anybody
>Enzo was not in the wrong
He was definitely in the wrong. Your argument is that he found it easy to cheat, therefore it was OK. If you enter into a relationship with someone then the expectation is that you will be loyal and sexually exclusive.
>your argument
Fuck off betacuck. You know shit about what I'm saying cause you missed the literal point entirely.
>"easy to cheat"
>"It's OK"
I never said either of these things. But I will tell you this. I've hooked up with 4 different girls who were in relationships, including a girl who was married and thinking about divorce. I took pure pleasure in fucking these chicks and getting downright filthy with them, including getting my ass licked - I swear to god.
I don't give a fuck about whether you think you'll be faithful when you get a girlfriend. Me? I'm gonna keep being Alpha and keep fucking girls that simps like you think are loyal.