>it's gonna be slow
>Extreme Rules
>Not extreme at all
>Elimination Chamber
>Hitler isn’t on the card
>There isn't much wrestling at all
>No Way Out
>The arena has several doors
> survivor series
> > no one is voted off the island
>great balls of fire
>not great
>no fire
>no balls
>In Your House
>It's actually in an arena/stadium
>its the worst individuals of the species
>no Bruce Willis saving the planet
>it is summer and there are slams
Why don't they bring back gimmick PPVs? Back in 2012 people were complaining about them, but I think they make the filler PPVs watchable. Nowadays the filler PPVs are just not, over glorified house shows. They could have made Fastlane be based around Time Limits and Beat the Clock matches.
>greatest royal rumble
>no stakes
>its only the largest rumble
>the rumble was meh
>strowman won, making it a battle royal since a giant never wins the rumble since yokozuna
>pay per view
>payers won't view
>viewers won't pay
>it's actually sports entertainment
>Main Event
It features no main enters, only jobbers.
>it's actually overdone
You could argue Undertaker is a big man
>Hell in a Cell
>Elimination Chamber
>Survivor Series
>War Games
>Royal Rumble
>Money in the Bank
>Extreme Rules
how many more gimmick PPVs could you have in a year?
To be honest I think they should bring back a taboo tuesday type of deal where fans vote in real time on facebook and twitter and such.
In fact, what they SHOULD do is incorporate some kind of cheer system for viewers at home where each match has a hashtag or something and as it gets more and more likes and shares the arena has lights do stuff and there's shit on the screen.
Live viewer interaction is the way of the future for TV in order to compete with the instant gratification of online videos.
sounds like a great idea on paper but these things never work out. it's always just the lowest common denominator
>Bad Blood
>Doesn't feature matches where wrestlers have to take a syringe of African AIDS riddled nigger blood and stick their opponent with it
That was Kane’s plan though
Fucking underrated