wrestlers who would benefit from taking massive amount of steroids
Wrestlers who would benefit from taking massive amount of steroids
Corbin is already pretty muscular, though. He's just got loose skin because he used to be chubby when he was in his early to mid 20s. He lost the weight too quickly, resulting in loose skin.
As for someone who would actually benefit from stacking on mass, Heath Slater could cut a pretty great figure if he got on the juice.
I would rather him find a way to produce any kind of charisma
Pretty much every asian could do with roiding, they all look skinny fat
Youre not wrong desu
How is this skinny fat?
It's the general lack of muscle definition, brainlet. Never been to /fit/?
That’s not what skinny fat means though.
We're talking about a /fit/ meme you moron.
I’m not following you.
All of them.
Shut the fuck up if you don't know what you're talking about.
I'd like to see Balor get as big as Kenny. He's well and truly peaked with regular conditioning, roiding could push him in to mini hulk mode, I'd love to see that
Yes the person NOT parroting the /fit/ meme is clearly the bigger moron here
For a board so fucking obsessed with male bodies and stale memes I'm surprised you're all so insular. Very eye opening.
Could you be more specific?
I don't give a shit about "bodies"
Perhaps you'd be more at home in
Thats not skinnyfat at all you absolute moron
>I don't give a shit about "bodies"
>He says posting in a thread about bodies
>On a board obsessed with bodies
Fucking wew lad from me y'all
I only posted in here to shit on Borin' Snorbin' for having cero carismas
everytime i see him in a suit he looks like a fucking junior day manager from a tarocash store
his shirt would be better if it said EAD
He needs to juice up and reunite with Drew and Jinder in a 3MB monster stable
Corbin would benefit from getting a lipo and a tuck and growing a mustache.
Reminder that Tozawa once got crazy fat just for a DG storyline. Truly the Mac of wrestling.
Stop trying to import inferior board's memes.
Steroids are important for size and recovery but a lot of wrestlers would benenfit from a little bit of cocaine.
Amerifat athletes
This chubby simp needs to get back on steroids ASAP
Kek that's awesome
>mfw Corbin said he wanted to shave his hair off because he knew it looked bad but had to wait 8 months
Genuinely feel bad for the guy, he knew how stupid he looked but knew he'd likely get fired if he did anything about it.