ITT: storylines people hate that you thought were based

ITT: storylines people hate that you thought were based

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The Torrie Wilson/ Dawn Marie feud was pure crash tv kino


The only people who hate retarded AE shenanigans are nu-males. This was kino.

Also this

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The writing was nonsensical. He should have actually been castrated in kayfabe.

Ever heard of John Bobbitt?


Jinder title run

the whole point of the story was a guy who sucked so bad he needed to cheat to win managed to somehow hold the title for a few months

post-kayfabe, using a guy who's legitimately shit to portray a character who is shit at wrestling was pure kino

Katie Vick

Bikertaker was awesome as a heel.

This, Katie Vick, Lashley's sisters

Everyone loved this though.

>Jinder title run
I liked it, especially when he called Nakamura a pikachu who's having a seizure
>Lashley's sisters
shit was cash

“I screwed her brains out” is a GOAT line

RIP Yamaguchi-san

What is happening? Is this legit or part of a skit??

choppy choppy pee pee

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Venis fucked and recorded Yamaguchi-san's wife. In retaliation Kai En Tai tried to chop off his penis but thanks to the cold room, shrinkage and his friend JohnBenet Ramsey (the guy who got his penis cut off by his wife) turning the lights off at the last moment the Big Valbowski was saved

John Bobbit, not Benet Ramsey sorry

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>numale Meltzerdrones fuming
based and still based taka is promo machine then now forever

Kurt's son

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Didnt they even have him show up on a Raw

Jonbenet Ramsey became a cockless Middle Age man.

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bAsed jbl

"kissing baby's and hugging fat girls"


Sting joining the NWO


Linda in the wheelchair
aka pussy hungry Vince angle

>JohnBenet Ramsey

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>DX vs. McMahons in 2006
it was so ridiculous that it was great
>Chavo Guerrero becoming Kerwin White
>Eddie and Rey fighting over custody of Dominic
>Drugged up Linda McMahon
>Shane McMahon against the Undertaker in 2016
hated the actual match though

Trevor Murdoch sings.

They saddled him with the task of getting a heel country singer over with a New York crowd, and he did it. By the end, they were singing with him. Love it when creative shits themselves like this.

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I never imagined DX vs The McMahons being hated so that has to be my #1 choice then. DX's 2006 revival is one of my favorite time periods in WWE.

Austins heel turn. Both of them.