Now that the dust has settled, how important was this great moment in wrestling history?

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It changes everything if not.
ps. I have fucked my friends mom tonight. First ever milf in my count. It was amazing


> how important was this great moment in wrestling history? how important was this great moment in wrestling history?

based af

I'm gonna need a rundown.

It's the spot where Michaels fucks up his back on the casket and he has to retire.

Shawn being around during the peak of the AE would've been weird. He would've politicked to get the title constantly and Vince would have maybe caved once but once he told Shawn no, he would've packed up and gone to WCW.

HBK being active in 98-2001 definitely would have slowed down the Rock and Mankind's pushes, but probably wouldn't have had much of an effect on Austin blowing up.

HBK would have feuded with Austin for a couple of months after WM14, then probably would have feuded with Triple H over DX leadership after.

Undertaker was the sole reason the attitude era started

>broke HBGay's back
>threatened HBGay to wretlers' court if he didnt job at WM14

Yall niggas better put some respect on the deadman ushering in the most successful period in company history.

I think he slows Austin's push too. Being in the mix for the title would have made Austin's run on top kind of weird.

I don't think so, a post-WM feud with Shawn/DX would have been a bigger draw and legitimized him more than his feud with Dude Love (which actually turned out to be great anyway).

I guess I'm thinking, as another user pointed out, Shawn being Vince's ear probably leads to him versus Austin again instead of McMahon versus Austin and Austin stays a star instead of becoming a megastar.

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Why does Ospreay seem a whole lot less cringe when he does this?

unironically based.

bret hart coming back in 2001 would have been dimes


Because in new Japan it makes sense.

WWE had their greatest peak with Shawn and the quality of the show started to drop almost instantly when he left.

>WWF 1995 wasn't utter shit
>WWF didn't massively decline in the early 2000s

Why wasn't Carder punished for this? People were punished for far less than upending the the entire main event scene

Mmmm. Don't wanna mess with the architect of the most successful boom period in wrestling.

How was milf pussy like?

>Takes a kick
>Decides to do the retarded ringpost figure four and brains himself
>Decides to work the following 3 weeks instead of resting
>Decides to finally take time off to rest but it's too late and gives himself a stroke

Bret screwed Bret. If it wasn't Goldberg it would have been someone else, the problem was he thought he was invincible instead of acting his age.