Are they the new Enzo & Cass ?
Are they the new Enzo & Cass ?
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Someone should tell these shitskins to get lipo on their love handles. Skinnyfats draw 0 dimes.
They are both Janetties,
No, Manny is getting shipped off to nxt arabia as soon as its ready
>good cop black cop gimmick
holy fuck Manny get a tan ya ugly simp
Manny is probably literally whiter than your fat mutt ass
What’s Seth doing back in NXT?
Fuck it, stick Thorne in there and let them run wild. Hell I hope they use asp lingo while they're at it like "cringe" and "ding-dong diddly"
The fucking state of that signature """""move"""""
>The true faces of /pol/
The Insiderz? They should rename themselves the Outliers or sumthin tss tss.
That's a pretty fun tag move actually. Better than any of the young cucks meaningless flippy moves.
a weapon to surpass metal gear
>shits on Meltzer driver
>likes this
E drones are literal retards
It looks like if manny stood up he’d be about the same height as the other guy tho
They should try to pitch themselves as the Jew World Order
Is that niggertaker?
Based pose
>implying Enzo and Cass aren't Jannetties
Meltzer Driver looks garbage 9/10 times they hit it
finally some based tag team moves.
There actual tag finisher looks based.
It's a Spear/Inverted ZigZag like combo called "The Last Suprised"
shit name for it though.
>Gets signed as one of the Saudi charity cases
>will be the only Saudi that lasts because he’s American and can tone down his foreignness
Is this the biggest brain move in pro wrestling?
I think the zoomer eceleb gimmick could actually work. Have them shill their merch in the middle of matches.
Literally the new New Day.
Based name desu
>at the end of their match cut a promo on how great of a website Skillshare is
Manny wears a fucking Get Smoked hat, it was the only one possible name for it
That's not the insiderz signature, ya simp
Bitch getting BLACKED
oh its a reference?
dont get it