Who are considered some of the greatest sellers in wrestling history? And why?
Also is it a bad thing to be great at selling sometimes?
Who are considered some of the greatest sellers in wrestling history? And why?
Ziggler, if you sell ylu do more of it and job
Are Rock and Austin considered great sellers?
Surely Austin would be a contender at least because of the spot with Bret at WM13?
Obviously ignoring big over the top bs like Rock taking the stunner like he did. I was a Ruthless Aggression kid so I was unfortunate to have missed him. Are there any examples of him being really good?
Bret Hart, he did a good job of making the struggle look real without botching, and by the end of the match he generally looked like he had been pushed to the limit
Brock, his recent matches are excellent examples. His invincible aura they hype him up as having makes him selling at all much more impactful (this is why absentee juggnaut characters are not bad, their appearances are meaningful)
Curt Henning
It can be had if you're too good at selling because it means you may be selling to make top guys look good forever and end up in a gatekeeper or jobber to the stars position.
Rollins is pretty consistent, but his selling during the first Shield run was based, especially on Bryan's running knee.
Great selling is only bad if you're a mark.
Plenty. His match against Lesnar before leaving, his match against Cena when returning.
Really, all good wrestlers are good at this. It's not a bonus thing, it's essential to wrestling, which is why as we're witnessing the death of WWE no-selling and poor selling is certainly one of the top 5 causes of it.
Reminder that even though there are overlaps between bumping and selling, they’re mostly two different things.
Selling. One of the many lost arts of the business.
Some guys are great sellers: Hennig, Hart, Rock, HBK, Flair, Hogan. Others just flop around like dead fish: Ziggler, just about everyone on the roster today.
Flopping around and selling is two different things. The former is usually quite comedic looking while the latter makes things seem real.
Austin probably did one of the most iconic selling spots of all-time at Wrestlemania 13. The drama, the intensity...it was AMAZING.
Benoit was amazing, too. He had a last man standing match with Edge that I can remember off the top of my head because his selling was so great.
Floppers end up as jobbers to the stars usually because they don't know how to scale damage.
Hulk Hogan made fucking millions getting beat up
Ricky Morton is the definition of tag-team selling. You can tell any wrestler to "be Ricky Morton" in the context of a match and they will immediately get what you mean.
>Also is it a bad thing to be great at selling sometimes?
No, if you define "great" as selling within the context of the match. Doing some dumb super flippy bump like Ziggler isn't good selling.
Off topic but how the fuck do you make tag team wrestling great again?
Unironically Hogan is legit possibly the greatest worker of all time.
Anyone can say "fuck that" and start listing of Bret, Misawa, Michaels, Flair etc etc because they're confusing themselves
Real workers are guys like Hulk, Andre, Lawler, Funk, Brody, Sheikh, Inoki etc
Same way you make anything else great, just treat it legitimately and build guys without 50/50 bullshit booking.
Good question. It's to the point where WWE is so beyond treating it seriously everyone else is conditioned to do the same.
We all know AEW putting an emphasis on tag team wrestling is bs and means nothing.
Closest we're getting right now is Billy's NWA Crockett Cup coming up, but it's a damn shame there isn't a bigger platform and they'll still be same old indy wrasslin style and make it look worse than the world title even more
You are confusing more successful with best. A lot of factors go into success, many out of the worker's control. Sometimes you're just in the right place at the right time. Hogan was just a Superstar Billy Graham knock-off who was luckier with when he peaked.
Being the best worker also isn't about having the best matches, but that's another argument.
I think also it's about the teams themselves and how they're perceived.
You look at tag team wrestling in WWE and the current tag champs are jobbers on RAW, SD they're midcard. It's like if you were ever to have a Royal Rumble, ATGMBR, Number one contenders match or anything, you'd never consider a tag team guy to win because of you're a tag team guy you can only go so far. The only exception recently is Kofi Kingston, but was because of circumstance and Shane/Miz is a joke; that's just used to have them fight at WM inevitably.
Maybe if they have guys like say, Roman, Brock and Drew competing for Universal. Why not use guys like Cena, Carder, Bobbo, Batista, Goldberg etc. Like really make tag wrestling something beyond a division for midcarders to be thrown together. Give us a reason to watch rather than tags just be a ceiling or a stepping stone.
Right now the best sellers are Mustafa Ali and Jinny in NXT UK... she's surprisingly good at selling, she likes a good bump.
I see what you did there. Based
Hogan actually got that gimmick over and made it work with WWF for decades, same with Flair arguably stealing Buddy Rogers's gimmick. 99% of gimmicks are stolen or used for research.
Hogan knew what to do, how to do it, when to do it etc.
Perfect example of that in match form is Rock Vs Hogan or Andre Vs Hogan, which is why they're so iconic to this day.
A worker is literally someone who works the marks and presents themselves and the promoter in a way that gets people to buy into them, whether they believe it or not, and want to pay money.
It's never a bad thing to be good at selling.
However, there's a difference between a good sell and overselling.
Yeah I remember Roman soloing the tag champs (The Bar maybe?) a while back. Only a guy like Brock should be able to do that. They should also do a PPV tag tournament to give the belts some prestige.
Yeah, just anything to make the tag belts seem important. And how you have to be 'good enough' to win them.
Imagine having dates left with Lesnar or Batista but you don't want them in a big world title match. Put them in a tag on RAW against Roman and Seth or something. Imagine how big of a deal it would be for a team to beat either of them for the belts, plus you can protect them by reinforcing how "They were beaten as a team, not as individuals" and stuff. They'd have top stars in the territories lose to basic tag wrestlers because of stuff like this and it protected them.
>bumping is selling
Shawn and Flair could sell though, even though they're both big bumpers. I can't judge curt though since I've not watched enough
I've always been ofnrhe opinion that the Tag champs should be able to beat a pair of wold champs. They should know how to work the ring and teamwork in a way that makes them greater than their parts. They're certainly not treated that way.
If they're going to keep both tag titles, I think the Raw titles should be 6 man. They might as well just embrace the the New Day thing and maybe use some of that bloated roster. But they gotta commit to actual teams. Stop with the thrown together nonsense. New Day got over in spite of there being no heel teams for them to feud with. Meanwhile, the Wyatt family had three guys, the shield had three guys, and now this new Corbin thing has three guys. It's like they're dancing around while refusing to change.
Otherwise, if they actually got to act like champs and not get jobbed out by Roman on a random Raw, people might actually care like they did for Ascension and The Revival.
I agree about your first paragraph. They make tag guys look fucking dumb. Im a huge tag team wrestling fan... Braun soloing the bar made me seethe very bad.
Ronda Rousey is the the only decent seller