TIL Deadie Cuckerraro was raped in 1989

TIL Deadie Cuckerraro was raped in 1989

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you can't even spell Cuckuerro right, you autistic retarded simp. please kys.

That’s an odd way of saying “Kevin Trash” and “1992”




Holy shit lmao


I want to raise a prayer for the original Deadie spammer and hope he's now in hell meeting his favorite wrestler, Deadie.


The "was raped' meme was never funny you circle jerkin group of 5 teenagers

Cuckerraro is not even a good pun name it would be better if wolfcuck died

It's not supposed to be funny, it's supposed to work Wolfcuck in to a shoot. Which it does. Often.

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It got chuckles out of my around September last year when I came back here after like 3 months of being away. But now it's pretty boring and Yea Forums desperately needs new OC.

AEW Double or Nothing can't come any sooner.

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good ass posts.

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