The booking is so shit even rey mysterio is visibly cringing

>the booking is so shit even rey mysterio is visibly cringing

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>putting fucking rey mysterio on a pre-show where corbin is on the main card

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based corbin the only real left working these marks

she smol

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Rey is like 300

this lmao

why have they changed his name to just Andrade?

Is it a goblina on a pole match?

I would also like to know. Andrade Cien Almas sound a hell of a lot cooler.

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BASED anytime there is a GOAT Mysterio match I'm sure to watch it.

> hire Hispanic wrestler
> turn them heel
> make them feud endlessly with Mysterio

Why the fuck are they still doing this? It didn't work with Alberto Del Rio and it sure as fuck isn't going to do anything for Almas.

because Vince has Alzheimer's

>Almas is a shitter who can't speak english
>blames Vince

Ya spicaboo boiling. If anything i feel for Rey being stuck with this anti dimes

>Paid six figures for Mysterio so he can wrestle on the FAST LANE pre-show

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I think because he wants everyone on the roster to have a 3 syllable name so its easier to chant

>Andrade and Rey will have a killer match and be the highlight of the night
>no one will care
>fucking Shane McMahon will continually kill himself with high spots he cant do because he's so old
>everyone will chant "you still got it"

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Rey Mysterio never drew a dime and killed Smackdown when he got the belt

He's a merch draw and he'll sell masks to kids wherever he is on the card so keep him in the pre-show where he can do the least amount of damage to the drawing potential

absolutely, watching his finisher gets old fast when you see a guy stagger 10 feet to fall perfectly onto the ropes, and trying to sell that he could hang physically with the big guys on the roster was just dumb

Rey does a better job of making it look like he can hang with bigger guys because all his offence relies on speed. Guys like Daniel Bryan with their striking offence make no fucking sense against bigger guys

>Hire someone who is shit
>Blame the boss

>knee to head dun hurt cuz bryan small

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>when ur height starts with 4

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That is on Gaytch, not Vince ya simp!