Pound for pound, is Yea Forums the most mentally ill board on Yea Forums?

Pound for pound, is Yea Forums the most mentally ill board on Yea Forums?

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No, that would be /pol/

I'd say r9k overall, but pound for pound we might be

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yea because we have your fatass here ya ding-dong diddly simp

antisemitism is mental illness

Neo-Yea Forums. Yea Forums hasn't existed since 2015 or so.

who's that little nigger? Wolfcuck?

you're getting worked ya ding-dong diddly simp, Yea Forums is 90 percent shitposters

no because it's a work ya dummy



shut up kike

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r9k literally had a cabal of trannies blackmailing retards into taking hormones
also they had the livestream suicide

Yea Forums just has a bunch of trolls and disgusting fetishists

This. Yea Forums can have coherent discussions once in a while but we're here to have fun MAGGLE! /pol is 100% sincerely retarded, you can go there and find people that honestly believe every single thing they read and lost touch with humanity worse than wrestling fans long ago.

We cant be with /lgbt/ in the mix

This. Yea Forums is unironically the best place to discuss wrestling when it wants to be

there is literally never serious wrestling discussion here

>cmon guys i want to tawk sewiously about my pwetend fighterz!


/lgbt/ is 100% mentally ill

no, asp is one of the better boards because it's not super popular and at least sometimes people have some self awareness here
It isn't even close to peak Yea Forums autism


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Jews are more mentally ill ya simp

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>disgusting fetishists
Literally and unironically worked

that guy sounds based

>Yea Forums
we trailing desu

Throughout my life I've posted about wrestling on youtube, yahoo answers, gamingring, wrestlingforum
then I left to work and study, sought sunlight, had sex, hit the weights, got a clue etc
then began lurking squared circle and here.

Yea Forums is by far the most mentally ill board I've ever come across. when you get the threads asking genuine questions about the community it's pretty sad what you read.
the memes, banter and ballbusting is on point though and by far the funniest which is why im still here after nearly 3 years.
but you get the edglords and incels ruining the funny convos as a result of /pol/, /woo/ and /rk9/ bleeding into here who are truly beyond help.
behind the irony, there are some truly miserable people here - but when you get Yea Forums producing top notch oc there's no better place

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/lgbt/ obviously but the rape spam is /lgbt/ so...

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This place is the /mlp/ of Yea Forums, a containment site for the bottom of the barrel autismos

Yeah but at least I don’t watch soccer

/r9k/ Yea Forums /g/ and /pol/ are 50x more autistic than Yea Forums. If you think otherwise, you are getting worked by reddit shitposters.

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>i obsess over a show about technicolor horses, but at least I don't watch marvel movies

sup discord tranny? tell us again how you aren't mentally ill?

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Donald Trump is a Hall of Famer and a personal friend of Vince

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I hate /leftypol/ too ya fucking wehrboo

>pound for pound mental illness
>heavyweight mental illness champion
>cruiserweight mental illness champion

is it correct to say Yea Forums is UK women's mental illness champion?

Top 10 in terms of mental illness
1. /lgbt/ Anyone that has posted in this board needs to be exterminated for the good of the greater cosmos. Especially Reiko for recruiting and blackmailing idiots.
2. /mlp/ Used to be the king, but that show dropped off sharply. Still high up for its terrible misdeeds in the past
3. /trash/ Mainly used by the duds of society and lgbt to whine about straight people. Or just flat out tranny recruitment threads. The lowest of the low.
4. /qst/ A gigantic chunk of shitposting on this site is from the autistic questfags who take out the /qst/ split from /tg/ on the rest of the fucking website. The spergiest of the sperg, with a high crossover rate with the trannies. Quest threads and the questfag rebellion flat out made /tg/ completely unusable.
5. /x/ p4p, the most schizophrenic board. Held down only because the schizophrenia is self-contained
6. /r9k/ Mainly used by the duds of society and lgbt to whine about straight people. Or just flat out tranny recruitment threads. The lowest of the low, but not nearly as bad because no RWBY generals
7. /cgl/. Cluster-B Personality Hive Cluter #1. Jesus Christ, girls and Yea Forums do not mix.
8. Yea Forums. p4p the most autistic board on this site with storied past of mega-autism
9. Yea Forums Lesser /lgbt/, spawnpit of capeshitters, SUfags, homestuck fags, MLP
10. /fit/ Those fucks can't even wipe their asses properly.

Yea Forums is fucking normie tier compared to a lot of the other bullshit. Discounting shills, /pol/ is full of mostly normie boomers.

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Benoit yourself

That's literally insane.

ding dong diddley based


may not be the most mentally ill, but theyre not normal

/pol/ wants you and your family to have a nice safe community free of pedos and other dangerous murderous problems, they want nothing from you they only want what is best for you

Is he /ourguy/

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/pol/ are the true technicos

Meanwhile, more and more of their posters go on murderous rampages and commit acts of violent crime and terrorism.

ironically what /pol/ wants is the return to normal, only the cringe stormfront cross-posters are supreme spergs who can't into politics and are possible just a CIA op

/pol/ is a board of peace, but if you dont like them maybe you should stop advertising them in every single thread

/pol/ Yea Forums and Yea Forums are pure autism. This place is 90% shitpost 10% cuck waifu faggotry. We are normie tier compared to the rest.

i hate womeme’s wrestling and am always sincere when i post

Seriously, this. People who say /pol/ is the most autistic or mentally Ill board are only saying it because it's the new Yea Forums
Compared to most of the site, /pol/ is pretty norman with slight bits autism sprinkled in.

Imagine being this much of a seething /pol/tard.

I don't think Yea Forums gets enough credit as being a fucking awful place to post.

what's his gimmick?


when a cape movie releases,don't go there

This isn't Yea Forums dork

Live forever brother-HH

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Yea Forums

/x/ has the most nuts even if it is a small board

it used to. now it's just 15 year olds asking for spooks and 2 generals with the same 3 people talking to each other. back in 2008-2012 it definitely was

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Pound for pound, Yea Forums has the constantly funniest posts because wrestling in itself is a meme and nothing beats the ding-dong diddly
/pol/ and /x/ are the top contenders for being the craziest
And /fit/ and /r9k/ are your classic big guy little guy tag team, but both are depressed virgins

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Way to prove his point ya ding-dong diddly retarded simps

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Go read some of the neet threads on /jp/. You'll see how normal Yea Forums is

Back to the oven with you

Its a draw between /pol/ and /r9k/

>poster count didn't go up
go away mentally ill discord tranny

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Imagine being this much of a mentally ill tranny. You are probably half the posts in the Becky Lynch general.

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Imagine being Amir in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Jazz, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your meaty man tits and gross festering frankengina. I would totally impregnate you, both my character and the real me." when all he really wants to do is cash his paycheck and go home. Like seriously imagine having to be Amir and not only hide in that house of horrors while Jazz flaunts his frankengina in front of you, the favorable blanket barely concealing his mutilated monster hole going directly into his colon, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, while he works it. Not only having to tolerate his disgusting fucking frankengina but his haughty attitude as everyone on set tells him he's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, JAZZ JENNINGS GOT A PUSSY LIKE THAT?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch him dilate with 6 different colored dildos; never before have you seen a vagina directly connect into someones colon before, no uterus, no cervix, you didn't even know that existed before today. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of natural vaginas and later alleged frankenginas for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out off of the street. You've never seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sewage smell that's brapping out from his neovagina too as he shakes his dildo and writhes it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in his "dilation"(for that is what he calls it), that he waited so long to do with multiple surgeries in the previous months. And then the director calls for another take, and you know you could eviscerate every single person in this room before the studio security could put you down, but you sit there and endure because you're wanting money. You're not going to lose your $50k paycheck over this. Just bear it. Hide in the bathroom and bear it.

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To the average poster we speak in riddles



That'd be /pol/. They literally have mental issues and live in a narrative. Here almost everything is a work.

>not /lgbt/

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>he thinks all of /pol/ is the same politically
Opinion discarded discord tranny

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>leftist cucks will defend this child abuse

obviously /lgbt/

>/pol/, /r9k/, /mlp/, Yea Forums, Yea Forums, /hc/, Yea Forums /vg/ /vp/, /trash/ all exist + more that I’m probably forgetting
No, not by a long shot. We just like to shitpost and have fun.

all the rape spam puts us really close to /lgbt/ for #1

that guy looks really uncomfortable

Beet is up there

he will eventually have to fuck that dude's colon frankengina to stay on the show

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people who consider Yea Forums as the most autistic board(or the best for that matter) are usually those who have no interest other than wrestling thus they can't fit in with other variety of boards

Yea Forums is basically an outlaw indie mud show board. It’s low-rent and full of jobbers, has-beens, and weekend warriors, but we put on a hell of a show. Enjoy the hotdog and handshake, wake up the next day and do it all over again brother.

this. they infect other boards with their dumb stuff.

This is true. Yea Forums is the CZW of boards.

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/pol/ Yea Forums /lgbt/ and /x/ are full of inbred retards with zero value

How is that even a question when /lgbt/ exists

its ding-dong diddly /pol/


>Yea Forums is the CZW of boards

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I stand by my statement. Why does Onita look like a muppet?

Because he is old muppet.