Sid destroying Nash

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Good thing it wasn't a shoot fight or Sid would have gotten the shit kicked out of him by Nash

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Kek, are you serious???

Nash couldn't fend off a black man in the summer of '92.

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I remember this match. Scott Hall had to HELP HIM bring Sid up, the beginning of that is cut out in this gif.

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Nash is tough as fuck. He would wreck that shitter Sid.

Fake news.

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very true

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the gif proves your idiotic claim to be false

What about Kayfabe though? he's clearly getting wrecked here. Oh yah, he would in real life too.


Nash has never lost a fight

What are you talking about? Nash gets wrecked like 5 times in the gif I posted and the one you showed is both hall and nash teaming up on Sid

He totally did, but that's not the debate here. We're talking kayfabe here though. Sid was clearly the more powerful wrestler in that regard.


LOL nice one

Wolfie, see the poster count

what? I was laughing at the idea of Nash standing a chance against Sid, and this was my first post in this thread

Here's your You for making me laugh

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Wolfie, see the damn poster count. It's just you over and over

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he never lost a fight alright.
he bends over and lets his ass take the L for him.

to be fair it was a large gang with guns
