make it stop, please
Make it stop, please
it would be if you stopped looking for it on twitter you retarded fucking phone posting redditor homo dumbfuck
Why is this irish bitch keep tweeting everyday. She needs some fucking help already, it's not even Mania yet.
Is Becky the greatest potential heel in the world? Seriously, with how many jimmies she rustled she’d be perfect as an full on obnoxious shit talking heel
if she could translate her cringe inducing twitter posting gimmick to her work on the mic then yes, but she talks like a retard and her facial expressions are Brie Larson tier.
This. Why do you people wait to see what Becky tweets every day just to complain about it?
She's a heel on Yea Forums for sure. She rustles endless amounts of jimmies here
Defensive seething bexcel detected
Laughing at shit banter =/= mad and I still don't watch WWE so I don't care
>mfw Ronda doesn't get the memo this is a worked shoot and breaks the Irish whores arms and takes the title home with her
Daily retard troll posts on twitter
Asp and reddit think she is smart
she works Yea Forums more than any wrestler in the world
>Talk shit about Asuka on Twitter
>Gets tapped out clean by her on PPV
>Talk shit about Ronda on Twitter where she responds by telling you she's gonna beat the shit out of you
>Gets beaten up for 6 minutes while cowering like a bitch
Stop this
>being this defensive
I find it hilarious. People literally check twitter every 5 minutes to see when she tweets just so they can make a thread here
>people laugh at her shitty twitter game
>they don't watch WWE, she's an attributing factor to their withdrawal from the product
Imagine being this buttmad and defensive lmao edrones
if Yea Forums was more than a few dozen incels that might actually make a difference
>talks shit about someone being injured
>gets injured
this lmao
waifuists are on blast because people are laughing at her yet still not actually caring about her
What the fuck does that even mean? Is that supposed to be funny?
>>people laugh at her shitty twitter game
It's so adorable when you people pretend Yea Forums is representative of the general wrestling fandom whatsoever
>he's in an Yea Forums thread
>he was referring to Yea Forums's response to Becky
>think I'm not in turn going to present to you how Yea Forums feels
Nice seethe, waifudrone
a board full of russocucks think they're the ones that are ahead of the curve.
Yea Forums is indeed only good for shitposting
all any wrestling in the west is good for nowadays is shitposting - that is why fewer and fewer people actually care about it.
It's not about ahead/behind the curve, you were just being corrected on the nature of the response actually being genuine mockery of the state of becky, instead of people getting epically worked by your precious waifu
Nice seethe, Bexcel
ok this has gotten old reaaal fast
I don't get it.
And I prefer it that way, I don't wanna cringe to the moon.