Last thread reached the bump limit . Mayu, Tam, and Saki retained their Artists of Stardom belts against Oedo Tai. Utami and Bea's SWA title match ended in a draw due to a double knockout, and Momo broke lo's defense record by beating Jungle Kyona in the white belt match.
/Stardom/ General
Other urls found in this thread:
This isn't a Momo OP!
When will Momo's reign of terror end?
Nice to see a Momo general after she broke the record and continues Stardom's greatest ever title reign. Oh wait... I forgot OP is a windowlicker.
When is Saki's hometown show again? I'm starting to think they won't lose the belts until after then so she can be in a main event title defense there.
Huh, that's pretty far away. Maybe not.
What if it never ends?
Rare picture of both Hana and the ref making derp faces.
Will the Arisa bullying ever stop?
I mean, one guy is being a tremendous faggot about it so I can't say I blame OP for working him into a shoot simply by not putting her in the OP.
based as fuck
damn Konami is going to oedo
Keep the roleplaying in /oedo/.
why does konami have yachting gimmick kneepads?
Probably a nautical motif to go along with her name.
speak of the devil here he is! Monitoring these threads 24/7 lmfao
Konami a cute
yeah that's the one that worked him into a shoot in the first place, guy desperately needs to get a new hobby
KKK! This is a quality team.
guilty looking post
Kairi lives on through Konami. Io lives on through Hazuki. I want those two in a singles match soon.
I want to see Konami harness the power of shouto in a big match.
she's saving it for her red belt match which she still hasn't gotten for some reason despite beating the ace
Momo is the Honkey Tonk Man of Stardom
here's "the greatest stardom match ever"
he's still mad his thread didn't draw lol
Tamu Michaels
Sonny literally has to say Momo had the best match ever to get people to watch her lmao
Yurie needs to work on her technique, she will fuck up her voice by the time we're married if she keeps screaming so stupidly.
Kyona's based dad for next OP
based Tam BTFOing the mark TWICE!
fucking hell what an amazing performance by Kyona, she's slowly but surely becoming the top dog
Just finished watching. Kyona had such an incredible match that she's solidified herself in the 3 spot of my top stardom wrestlers. There is no better underdog in wrestling than her. I'm convinced she needs to be the one who beats Kagetsu for the belt. The match was very good and you a should watch it when you can. Calling it the best stardom match ever is idiotic, but he's gotta get people to watch so I get it. With this match and the anniversary match against Kagetsu, Kyona is on pace for joshi of the year so far.
list your top 2
Hina and Rina
If Momo isn't in your top 3 you are a retard.
based taste
libtard logic right here
Sonny needs to stop with the hyperbole. I know he's desperate to draw people to watch the matches but it only sets it up to be disappointing. Let the reactions of fans set the tone for how good a match is.
if you don't think Momo is the best wrestler ever then you're racist!
The first two matches weren't especially great. I haven't seen Konami/Mayu so can't comment on that.
watch it, it's good
said no one ever, your working yourself
I will, I just haven' got round to it yet.
NastyYaffa gave Utami-Kid 4 shurikens.
I wasn't quoting anybody, pinhead
who cares?
OK, mongoloid
worked autist
worked mongoloid
cry more
>makes Stardom "fans" seethe
I wanna lick Momos thighs and tummy after a match
hey why did you message that guy on twitter?
Its just two or three salty Oedo Tards really. Most fans, critics, and fellow wrestlers respect her including some of the best in the world like Chris Hero and Will Ospreay. I would trust the opinions of those people, Io, and Rossy and his four decades in the business over a couple of NEET Oedo fans who started watching joshi in 2017.
oozing sex appeal. I understand why she is the ace
>he's accusing people of being /oedo/ again because nobody is talking to him in his thread
imagine if this guy committed this much to something productive in life
Kyona deserves better treatment
>plays the agua card
*messages you on twitter*
Mayu probably kidnapped him again
>Kyona puts on the performance of a lifetime
>Sonny only retweets shit praising Momo
wew lad
Hmmm, a Last Ride powerbomb and Tombstone piledriver. Is Andras a Taker fan?
We don't want you here.
Do something about it.
I want Natusko to suffocate me with her thighs
I couldn't give less of a shit about Momo, but it's crazy that her record break didn't get the OP pic. It's gonna be a while before anyone sniffs that.
hopefully it never will be sniffed again, the white belt scene has been so boring and predictable since Bito got knocked up
Konami should get a run by beating Momo after she gets drafted to another unit.
then her and Utami should start a feud over the belt. I feel Konami and Utami would be some great shit.
for real, it's so stale
I cannot wait for Momo to get the Red belt
hiding this pedo cringe
There's no way Hana is getting janettied by her sisters.
Hana is an only child
which belt will Utami get next?
watched the white belt match, was okay. Sonny lied again.
what else is new?
I was bored the first half but the last 5 minutes or so were really intense. Plus the promo afterwards sold it nicely. Kyona is a great babyface.
Either spellcheck made it Hana, or I fucked up. Shit happens I guess.
She's gonna go after the white belt. Momo said she already had a name.
tick tock baldy
Yeah Kyona did a great job, I just wasn't super impressed. It was much better than their first title match.
Hanan is already jannettied by based Hina
Can Utami save it?
she's based, but if the booking continues to be super predictable then no
*is the best wrestler in stardom*
Who does Tam see?
R*dditers have been upset so much by this result they are now unironically saying stuff like Jungle Kyona needs to leave and go freelance or produce her own shows.
I'm not upset by it at all as I don't care much about her, but from her perspective? If she's able to make decent money, probably a good career move instead of staying around to put over the Momo/Utami show desu. Doesn't seem like Rossy really has any plans for her other than using her for that.
kyona would make bank slumming it up in k-dojo undercards im sure, definitely a good career move to give up her borderline main eventer spot in the promotion where io & kairi actually had to take paycuts to go to wwe
The dropout rate for Stardom is very low compared to other promotions so the girls must be happy.
Kyona will lead NJPW's joshi promotion
Kyona will go to Tokyo Joshi Pro so she can end up in the exact same position but with a different kickgirl Ace beating her every single match
Momo will take Red Belt when Kagetsu goes on hiatus.
White belt will be there for Kyona to take and hold and have awesome defenses.
I think it's more likely the white belt will be there for Utami. Then Starlight Kid will be of age for a run with it since Rossy seems to think highly of her. Feels like it's the opposite of post 2015 for a few years, where they only really had the threedom as viable uppercarders for awhile. Now they have too many present and on the way up. Good problem to have for the company, not so good for individual talent that doesn't get the call.
It's not so much about fake title belts anyway as it is having a storyline for your character to do something. What is Kyona's and JAN's character at this stage, anyway? Other than being Momo and Utami's personal whipping dogs. Feels like the story of them forming to show up the other factions for not picking them in the draft has gone nowhere. They're still clearly the jobber faction. And the fun rivalry with Natsuko that led to her telling Kyona to stop choking in big matches has only led to her still doing it, or getting worse. Feels like they're forgotten about or there's no room for them to grow. Maybe the upcoming draft is to disband them and go back to 3 factions? Or a new leader and Kyona is moved to the midcard.
The story would have worked if she was booked to break Momo's streak. But because Rossy has lost potential challengers and had to sacrifice her.
You have to remember that wrestlers come up with these stories, to justify them being booked specific way. Natsuko vs. Kyona storyline makes sense, if you think about it, but it would have made sense, if Kyona was the defense after Momo broke the record.
Maybe Kyona will sit down and have to think about her own character and change something.
I wasn't aware they did. Thought it was mostly Rossy. Seems like they should have fed someone else to Momo there then if they wanted to have Kyona maintain some credibility. Counting tag title matches, she's 0-5 against Momo in the last year, so I don't know why they expect us to think she has a chance and take a one sided affair seriously.
She came up with good stories, but I feel like it went to waste. JAN being overlooked by the draft and splitting off to form their own faction to prove themselves? Great hook. A year later? They're borderline comedy jobbers now. The Natsuko/Kyona storyline? Also great. It hasn't been as long, but Kyona is 0-5 in big title matches in less than a year. Seems like it's also going nowhere. I feel like the booking is hurting the ideas she comes up with and she's hitting a creative dead end.
If it's the same as it is in NJPW, Rossy only books.
NJPW model (and I would have thought similar model is in all promotions) is that booker books. And wrestlers tell stories. Because how would a booker know what wrestler's character really is and if some story would have worked?
So you are given a frame from a booker and you fill it with your physical and verbal storytelling. You talk with other wrestlers, basically do some "fantasy" booking, you use booking decisions given to you by a booker, whose main job is to sell tickets, promote the shows, make sure you have venues and so on, but he shouldn't have to care about second to second storytelling of the match or the feud. Maybe he gives you specific points and tells you to hit these bullet points, because it is important for some other feud going on or because of your future program.
I'd even say that Kyona was supposed to beat Momo, because the story was build up towards it. But something changed, maybe there was supposed to be one more defense somewhere? So Kyona would have won in her hometown? Because that makes too much sense.
I'd say something happened that ruined it, because I would have thought that Kyona beating Momo in front of her father is too good a moment not to do it.
Of the four pillars, Kyona fulfills the role as the one who loses all the time; virtually every Japanese promotion has a "perennial big match loser" as one of its top stars. That is her designated role and she's good at it because she is able to make the crowd believe in her.
Cards for the shows on the 9th and 10th:
9th (Hanan and Starlight Kid miss the event due to school event)
3 way battle: Saki vs Hina vs Rina
6 person tag: Mayu/Tam/Xia I forgot she was in STARS Brookside vs Natsuko/Yoneyama/Leo
Jobber Kyona/Saya Iida vs Hana/Goya Kong
6 person tag: Momo/Utami/Bea Priestly vs Kagetsu/Sumire/Miyagi
High Speed Title match 3 way: Hazuki vs Konami vs Azumi
Handicap match: Tam/Hanan/Hina/Rina vs Hana/Goya Kong
6 person tag: Mayu/Starlight still in school events kid/Xia Brookside vs Jobber Kyona/Natsuko/Yoneyama
Singles match: Saki vs Leo
Future of Stardom title match: Utami vs Saya Iida
8 person tag: Momo/Konami/Azumi/Bea Priestly vs Kagetsu/Hazuki/Sumire/Miyagi
Guess Rebel Kel still has visa issues.
This as well.
The thing is that western fans are more impatient and want to see their favorites to win.
The problem with Kyona is that the build was there and the story was logical to end in her winning.
But Rossy wants to make money and he doesn't believe in Kyona being title holder and having to draw with other people, not like he trusts Momo.
That's the thing with people who are not used to companies having to rely on ticket sales to make their money and not TV product, where you can do whatever you want, because you have already made the money.
>because she is able to make the crowd believe in her
Don't really agree with that. At least not now. I know someone has to be the jobber, but wins and losses have to mean something if you want people to be invested in the promotion and take it somewhat seriously. You have to throw her a bone now and then to keep up appearances if you want her in the uppercard main events. She's 0-5 against Momo alone in these big matches. You can't keep using her as a rival to the others if she doesn't get a win here and there, especially if she's having these big title main event matches in such quick succession, because then it becomes obvious she doesn't seem to belong.
If I were in charge, I would have had her and Natsuko win against them in the tag title rematch. They lose them, Natsuko tells her to stop choking, they win the belts back. Those belts mean a lot more to those 2 and JAN than Momo/Utami. It works into their storyline and helps reafirm their bond. For Momo/Utami, what even is their bond or their storyline? Does it really do anything for them considering they have so much else going for them? This also gives Kyona at least a win over Momo in one way so it's somewhat believable going into that title match. I never believed for a second because of her history and just being Momo's pincushion. She's the last person you should book against Momo if you want it to seem credible unless they build her up against her somehow since it's so one sided.
Jungle Assault Nation? More like Jobber Assault Nation, am I right. But seriously, Sadie was meant to be the next challenger, so maybe you are right. They should have slipped in another challenger before this, though. I think Rossy just went with this without really thinking how much it hurts Kyona's character going forward if they want to keep trying to pretend she's a threat.
This particular show was in Nagoya. Wouldn't most of the ticket holders have wanted Kyona to win as it was her hometown? Going forward, she still has other belts or could be booked in a rematch to get it back anyway for other venues.
That's the thing what I mean about her story being build up to this moment and wrestlers telling stories with not much input from booker. Booker is not the scriptwriter in Japanese promotions. He is only a booker.
Sadie left and her leaving have given no choice for Rossy, with planned Kyona match for Nagoya. So he had to choose between having Momo break the record and we can finally be over with this or having emotional peak with Kyona winning and overcoming her rival.
He choose what is more important for growth of the promotion and making an Ace. Not giving girl under the Ace and her rival the win.
If you go back and look at the dynamics that are similar to these two, you will see this thing over and over. Rival of Ace looses. A lot. They will win here and there, but it takes a lot of beatings.
>They will win here and there
The biggest issue here is that he hasn't even done that with her. It's like he forgot this part. Which is needed if you want to keep them somewhat credible.
Did Tam get her lip split open? I've seen a few pictures where it looks bloody/swollen.
Nagoya digest.
Arisa a Cute
kek best part of it. Uploaded to streamable for the sound for those who don't want to watch the whole thing.
we already have Yuna, we don't need Kyona
cringy larper
I am part of the TJPW Universe and there is nothing you can do about it.
holy onions
I had a dream I took Natsuko on a date and she stole melonpan from someone on the street while we were walking. It really did happen, didn't it?
too much kissing!
worked into a seethe
>I am part of the TJPW Universe and there is nothing you can do about it.
worked by respectful non-self mark fan that has attended at least one show unlike you
hey man why did you message that guy on twitter???
happy 12 year anniversary, Lo!
>hating on based big dick mattsdl
Perusing his timeline, I have concluded that he's cringe.
I bet you peruse his timeline every day, cringelord
wonder if he's the same nutcase making "puro twitter" threads several times a week
i hope not, otherwise that autism is on a level far past our current weaponry
hi matthew
He's the same guy that spends around 20 hours a day on this board, most of which is dedicated to attempting to derail the joshi generals.
Keep the roleplaying in /oedo/.
so that's a yes?
i pray you find employment
See? Here he is again, such a sad life!
answer him, coward
>Gets to do what most joshi simps can't/won't and go experience it live
>"h-h-he's cringe"
Classic jealous beta move.
most of agua's moveset is classic jealous beta moves, he's so jealous of OP he's still trying to make his own /stardom/ thread work out
Tam is based
kek he literally just bumped it again
I appreciate the translator account for doing Sonny's job but I refuse to follow it because there's pronouns in the bio
everyone's so fucked up and special
Yes, I'm jealous of a manlet with a receding hairline, a bulbous head and generally awful facial features.
You're not proving any of that wrong with this, I hope you know.
I didn't make that thread.
I don't believe a word you say, you lie so much on here that I can't imagine anyone does.
why did you message that guy on twitter?
damn, two /agua/ generals now, real embarrassing stuff
lol next thing he'll do is say it wasn't him or that it was shopped
yeah he just gets bodied in thread after thread, very embarrassing
Mayu and Kid's faces are fitting here
*sages the thread in a salty rage*
I didn't sage?
msstrdm is the only RN taking pictures of this stuff while everyone else is focusing on the ring, he should be given recognition
matt is good, he's enjoying shows while you seethe agua
focusing on the matches* sorry
Mine is full res since I actually care
the first one is really small
Maybe it's small on that prehistoric CRT monitor you have. Consider an upgrade.
this seems to separate the true fans from the false fans
wow sick burn agua, it's almost as if you aren't everyone's bitch here now
>consider an upgrade to a high resolution display to change the perception of a low resolution image
so you're two kinds of retarded
her smile brightens my day
*works agua into a frothing jealousy-induced seethe*
why'd ya message that dude on twitter?
I will fix Arisa's lazy eye with vicious butt pounding
Damn I never noticed don't make me notice now
you never noticed she's cross eyed?
She isn't.
you must be cross eyed yourself if you can't see it
I hate you.
lmao get this bitch a pair of glasses, even Rina isn't that bad
False-fans think every joshi is cross eyed.
no, false fans don't save full sized pictures. Arisa is the only one being called cross-eyed, mongoloid.
yes i think it's this
this dude is really talking to himself because someone pointed out his waifu is cross-eyed?
we're about 4 minutes from another Gatoh Move thread lads
based Konami having normal eyes
>ywn share a rubber ducky filled bath tub with Arisa.
Why is life so cruel?
if you did she'd be able to keep one eye on you and another on the duck at all times
anyway you look at it mayu is pretty much the ideal woman
If Utami took a bite of a melonpan and handed it to you would you eat it?
I'd swoop in for a kiss to get that bite back
no, but that's only because I don't know what melonpan is. If it's good, however, I'd probably share a strategy similar to .
It's basically a giant soft sugar cookie
not a big fan of sugar cookies, but I am a big fan of kissing Utami
Looks like Bea isn't going anywhere.
that sucks
Can't wait for Utami to take AEW's women's belt.
if Momo cuts a promo is it called a Momo promo?
it's more commonly referred to as "anesthesia"
did momo send your favorite back to the midcard?
my favorite is too big to work with someone small time like Momo
I love this so much, it's adorable and great storytelling.
I wonder if it will go anywhere. Oh who am I kidding. It's not related to Momo or Utami, so it probably won't get the opportunity to.
I want them to form a tag team and win the belts.
so the belts would only be defended every once in awhile when Hoshiki decides to show up? Fuck that, just strap a rocket on Tam and Mayu
As funny as that joke is, she's there for all the big shows. Which is where they would be defended. They're never going to be defending the tag belts on the smaller shows she might not be there for anyway.
real champs make all the towns though, I don't see the ace Mayu skipping out on anything. Even when she's hurt she's a fucking cameraman or announcer.
Where exactly can it go? It's just a small thing to add extra dimensions to matches and the wrestlers characters. Tamu is great at this. It serves its purpose completely as is and doesn't need to lead to anything.
relax Sonny, nobody is forcing anything on you
Ah, you were just being a whiny nitpicking bitch. I'm sorry I enquired
Makes a change from being called agua
Plenty of potential developments.
-It escalates to the point the rest of STARS or just Mayu are forced to step in and choose one over the other and kick the other out
-One gets fed up with the other and leaves to join another faction and starts a rivalry
-They win each other over and become BFFs and a tag team
They're all standard fare. There's nothing wrong with them but I don't think it's leading to any of them. It's just a little bit of added fun to the shows.
>didn't wash her hair
she couldn't see which bottle was the shampoo
She's being groomed to win the White Belt, expect her to win the Cinderella. This will allow the Red Belt to be the main focus and set the stage for Momo to win it while also being a way to put the White on the backburner and lower its value since Arisa won't be around as much.
>lower its value
seems like they've been doing that for two years now
Did you mean the red belt? The white belt has felt like the main title for the last 2 years or so, since Io and Momo have been the ones who have it and are always billed as the ace and in the main events more often, which is unfortunate. Plus, Toni having the red belt and never being there really hurt it.
Red belt was shit too until Kagetsu got it then churned out some very solid defenses (though the old man seems to forget to book anything for it a lot). Kagetsu is at every show and is on just as many if not more main events it seems. They are trying to sell Momo as the next ace so they've forced her into a lot of main events (even against the fans' choice at one point). I'm sure you're just saying 2 years to say it, but 2 years ago Io held the red belt and it was booked as the top belt because it is the top belt.
>Chief Brandi Officer and Cawdy can't get her out of Japan.
God, I hope this isn't paving the way for Brandi to come back as well.
I doubt Brandi will wrestle much in general at all aside from a few matches on AEW tops
Why are they so mean
Back home from a first date. She was a bit shy and seemed unsure of if I was the right type.
So I dropped this line when dinner finished
>I've never once posted in a Momo OP /stardom/, and never will
she immediately leaned in for a tongue kiss and the waiter said "no tip necessary, holy fucking based"
>dating a comedy jobber
I just picked a random picture to go with my true story, but it still works
what is it about Momo that attracts autistic people? I remember around the start of last year when there were like 3 or 4 threads at once it started when that one autist got upset about not making the OP so they just made their own Momo one. It's not even a queens quest thing because Utami and Konami are loved here and I never see anyone complain about AZM. It's just Momo. Hopefully one of you that has the tism can explain the fascination to me.
based Emperor Leo
So much laughing. If only I could understand moonspeak.
Hana-chan confirmed!
Schedule for July-September announced:
July 7th Takaoka
July 13 Shinkiba 1st RING
July 14 Shinkiba 1st RING
July 15 Nagoya International Convention Center
July 20 EDION ARENA Osaka 2nd Stadium
July 24 Korakuen Hall
July 27 Scheduled for Kanazawa
August 3 Shinkiba 1st RING
August 10 Korakuen Hall
5 STAR GP 2019 begins
August 17 Shinkiba 1st RING
August 18 Shinkiba 1st RING
August 25 Osaka World Pavilion (Day/Night double show)
September 1 Sendai PIT
September 7 Shinkiba 1st RING
September 8 Shinkiba 1st RING
September 14 Osaka World Pavilion (Day/Night double show)
September 16 Fukuoka Nishitetsu Hall
September 22 Korakuen Hall
September 29 Nagoya Diamond Hall
Autists can't read the subtleties of Momo's character and performances. They prefer the cartoonish expressiveness of Oedo Tai.
the same Oedo Tai that QQ tries desperately to be?
Is that a word?
they are similar in the sense that their fans are faggots
e drone seething, boiling, possibly fuming
I don't watch WWE, but I know exactly who I'm talking to since it was brought up out of left field again.
the one time agua can provide insight for something and he ignores it
Arisa doesn't seem to have many fans around here, I am not sure why.
There seems to be
- village idiot
- the guy making 'hehe hah she didnt appear for work hee ha" posts
- me
>village idiot
that's why, I'm assuming.
Close to bump limit. Time for the autist to make another JANetty OP.
Which wrestlers have never had an OP?
yeah what kind of idiot would PUT JUNGLE KYONA IN THE NEXT OP after her having the best performance of her career?
She's incredibly cute. But... We need pics of her ass for proper judgment.
Her personality, her attire, and her wrestling style. None of them match the other. It’s hard to place any kind of identity to her.
do it just to spite the autist
Maybe try watching Stardom some time instead of just shitposting and looking at pictures posted in the threads.
agua doesn't like JAN though
guilty looking post
Seething. She’s a kick. That’s it. Give the kick to Momo or Konami and you have no further need for Hoshiki.
You don't watch Stardom. STOP POSTING HERE.
new thread
I've noticed lots of Japanese girls get prettier in their 20's.
the madlad actually did it lmfao
The cutest girl I ever saw in a Slipknot shirt.