Unironically want to see Lexi on BLACKED Raw. Or maybe shoot a seen with Big Foreskin Manuel.
You can pick one women’s wrestler (or announcer) to do porn. Who do you pick?
I’d pick Paige.
I want to see Sasha Banks do porn and have Michael Cole commentate over it.
You already posted her. Or Maryse
Mandy Rose in an amateur scene with me because Rosechads aren't cucks that only want to watch like you, blissfag
Imagine Alexa and Mickie in one those step mum porns where Mickie catches Alexa having sex with her boyfriend and Mickie is disgusted and then shows Alexa how to have sex.
Holy basedoli gonna ding-dong diddly cumoli
Only if she teaches Lexi how to do anal and they take turns doing ATM. I'd pay actual money to see that.
>Oh my
Fuck off charm city gamer
I very badly want to see Becky take a dick up her potato ass
This. And then Mickie sucks the anal creampie out of Lexis ass and spits it into her Lexis mouth. Would literally spend every dollar I had on this desu senpai
All roster being fucked. Carmella, Peyton, Alexa, Mandy Rose, Liv Morgan being blacked and gangbang'd
All of them with Mike Adriano. DIMES.
Double checked and double based. My absolute nigga.
All the blacks on the roster having a negro orgy
Its rent free not a true BlissCHAD.
Liv Morgan being fucked for New Day
I hate all IR and cuck porn, but the thought of her getting stretched by some big hung black stud is hot AF
Based dubs
*cums inside Alexa Bliss*
Is that Flavor Flave?
fucking YUCK
imagine shitposting about black dicks so much you start getting unironically getting off to it
Steph in a series of low rent interracial
Porn is porn ya insecure cuck. Imagine being so uncomfortable with ya masculinity that black men intimidate ya.
You're gay, bro.
Asuka for Blacked Raw so I could spam it forever and make weebs kill themselves
This is basically the only correct answer.
>wants to see multiple women
>the one constant is the man
You faggot LMAO
honestly ? probably Charlotte and if i can pick a guy to fuck her probably Corbin, in the middle of the ring no blankets on RAW.
I get it though. I kind of look like James Dean so I watch a lot of his scenes to self insert.
>still watching pornography
Just stop.
Bayley & Sasha in a BLACKED Raw scene
You can say this about most porn brainlet. Adriano scenes are proven draws with his POV techniques.
megacope, keep fantasizing about black dudes