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Four Horsemen of movies right there.

who's the simp on the left?

My dick is literal solid fucking titanium lads.

>who’s the greatest American filmmaker of all time?
Hard yikes

Why do you say shit you wouldn't say to anyone in real life here, it's embarrassing.


>a LARGE degree of this movie is in flashback with digital de-aging

How to kill a monster push

old farts dont draw dimes, thats why most of these simps are doing fuck all now or dogshit like bad grandpa. deaging was the right thing to do if this film wants to make its budget back

>no ray liotta
yikes and cringe

No thanks, I'll stick to big dimes Universal, not watching anything to do with sjwflix.

Fucking hell neck yourself

>I'm a shoot 6'0

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>The Irishman
>3 Italians and a multi-generational close familial-inbred shlomo

Kek so easy, can't believe I missed this easy shitpost

>The Irishman
>All wops
what did they mean by this?


It's not drawing.

>De Niro
No dimes in a long time. All bullshit recently. Last 4 star classic was Meet the Fockers where he got carried by Ben Stiller of all people. 5 star classic with Pacino in Heat

Way past his prime. Last 5 star classic was the handicap of Hank and Marv vs Kevin. Feud of yesteryear.

Full Flair. Too many injuries. Not even 2 stars in 10 years. When he did Jack and Jill his career was over.

Robert De Niro is half Irish.


Would be better if DiCaprio was in it

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Pick one. In order to draw dimes, Vince had to get italian Terry Bollea to pretend he was Irish, since actual Irish are all anti-draw simps.

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Isn't that the whole point of an anonymous imageboard you knob gobbling chucklefuck

No, not at all

You just never understood the edge

It's time to go back

Oh great... more boomer wank.

I'm excited for Greta Gerwig and Wes Anderson's new movies.

Oh, I will be going back to when Yea Forums practically didn't exist very soon. You're missing on its grave, after all.

What did he mean by this

>When he did Jack and Jill his career was over.
He probably got a couple million for that shit. I don't blame him for taking the easy money. He's not like De Niro who has been taking consistently shitty roles for a decade.
