>Watch TJPW on DDT Universe.
>FREE MATCH :Sakazaki/Mizuki vs Saiki/Kobashi (****1/2) youtube.com
>Follow along in English at twitter.com
>Yuka Sakazaki will challenge Miyu Yamshita for the POP title on 31st of March.
old thread
>Watch TJPW on DDT Universe.
>FREE MATCH :Sakazaki/Mizuki vs Saiki/Kobashi (****1/2) youtube.com
>Follow along in English at twitter.com
>Yuka Sakazaki will challenge Miyu Yamshita for the POP title on 31st of March.
old thread
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Post more pits
Finally a good OP.
Misao and YUMI must join neobiishiki-gun
Id watch Joshi more if the crowds werent 100% creepy old dudes with at least 15% of them masturbating live through their pockets.
This isn't the Ice Ribbon general
Why do you care about the crowd? Enjoy the matches.
Also Joshi crowds are much better than any western crowd.
Not sure I'd agree with that, but TJPW tends to have lively crowds.
TJPW has a clear female audience judging from the strong assembles of women in Rika Tatsumi/Hyper Misao shirts.
She's hot as fuck.
Yamashita's reign of terror ends soon
>He still thinks this
This betrayal must be tugging at their heartstrings
What are your thoughts on undercard oppai battles
they're there to engage with the rich storylines and detailed lore, treating joshis as sex objects is disgusting
none of them can hold a candle to nonoko's oppai power
What's the lore behind this
come watch the replay of The Future in joshi tube in t minus 2 hours
Great bit to work the marks
That's the most emotion I've ever seen from Raku.
I wonder why Rika's so popular with the women?
The Raku is growing every single day.
Cute fridge
i wish she'd stop trying to get her little hand sign over
cute belly
TJPW should not be supporting an alt right wrestler
Nice pits
shoko as kamiyu is good. just look at those milkers
Shoko needs to embeace her body and show off the milk.
Kamiyu & Yuna get their Tag Title match at 3/23 in Itabashi which is a VOD show.
nice tail
oh no!
She's so cool!
what did showko mean by this?
>Veda Scott
>Yuna Manase
>Maho Kurone
>Rika Tatsumi
>Priscilla Kelly
>Maki Ito
>Yuka Sakazaki
Who will be the 10th victim?
>Nodoka Tenma
Oops, I forgot about the pig
you better be using that term endearingly
Yuu and Yuna are there so thats 3 pigs in 1 reign.
Ranking from best to worst
Yuu > Rika > Nodoka > Maho > Ito > Yuna > Priscilla > Veda
>W-well good morning, user. Wanna go to Starbucks?
>Mr. Saki who has drawn the potential of Azusa Christi and has won the Tag Championship. If we are to form tags with Hi Pami seriously, it will be the most powerful team of the Tokyo Women's Pro Wrestling. By learning from Saki-sama, Hi Pami should grow as a single player.
vs. Veda Scott [N/R] (Not rated)
vs. Yuna Manase [3]
vs. Maho Kurone [3.25]
vs. Rika Tatsumi [4]
vs. Yuu [4.75]
vs. Priscilla Kelly [N/R]
vs. Maki Ito [3.5]
vs. Nodoka Tenma [4.5]
Another Biishiki gun member will team with Misao at Korakuen while Sakisama cucks Miyu in the main event.
bitch we have a kettle
I think Shoko is the next challenger regardless of who wins in Hakata.
>>>>>>Age unknown
imagine not being sexually attracted to Nodoka
Nodocaras and Yukicaras are BACK!
Yuka vs Mizuki!
1: Manase vs Mahiro
2: Rika/Neko vs Pom/Unagi
3: Shoko/Pinano vs Nodocars/Yukicaras
4: TJPW Impersonation Match: Yuka vs Mizuki
5: Miyu/Hikari/Raku vs Marika/Miu/YUMI
Too much UUGGO for my tast.
Pinano's bruised knees
i would give nodoka my platinum membership if you catch my drift
The top guys don't work tank towns.
I don't think Reika would refer to her hometown as a tank town.
big yen unagi
after haruna joins neo-biishiki gun she will change her name to Necro-Haruna and finish off what Maho started
>stan hansen music hits
Hikari finally proposed to Yuka
that's nice of YUMI to hang out with the slow kids
admirable drip
Sakaguchi is based and no one can tell me otherwise.
The most endearing ace.
Him being kicked out of that Muscle battle royal for having tattoos was fucking funny
Hollywood Sakaguchi
Nobody cared.
If this Sakaguchi won the belt he wouldn't have come 16th in the Election that year.
Mizuki came out with Rika's shirt during the FC show.
She might actually do it, lads.
I wanna marry this Christmas cake
>Momoiro Striker
>White tiger
What did they mean by this?
do what?
Mizuki likes dick.
Mizuki has never thought about sex in her life
Don't be alarmed, peak Yuna coming thru
Even when Tyrone is stretching all her holes?
How does she manage to keep her stick like figure?
But not your dick
You don't know that.
She managed to make me sexually attracted to a pig.
I still find this pic more comedic than hot
do a pee Nodoka
Damn, Gota Ihashi lost a lot of weight!
No, THIS is peak Yuna
Mahiro Academia
Yuna is a beautiful and voluptuous woman
Yuna is a big fat slut and it is awesome
There's no proof she's a slut
cute couple
How did Una do it?
showed her nips
The card for next week's show. Sakisama teaming with "X", Natsumi with the UUG again.
ancient history but yuki aino and her sister vs miyu and reika (january 13) is a damn fine match
I can't wait to see what she comes out as
her name is Yuna
What is Sayuri doing in this image?
drinking piss
Namba is pure, you faggot.
DDT “THREE DREAMS 2019”, 03/03/2019
Hiroshima Aster Plaza Multipurpose Hall
214 Fans – Super No Vacancy Full House
At least they full housed somewhere.
Is this live or VOD?
>rookies pinning Rika
>Mizuki with a Rika shirt
Are the fan club shows "canon"?
It's VOD but the DDT show on the same day will be live. I guess they don't wanna try and stream 2 shows that aren't in the same building on the same day after how badly it turned out last time. The 2 live shows this month are 3/30 Shinkiba and 3/31 Hakata
Speaking of, all seats except for designated seating are sold out for Hakata Star Lane.
Pinano likes drugs
the hell did I miss
It was a pretty good show, lots of fun. Yuka vs. Mizuki was wrestlekino.
I didn't understand it when skimming through. Can you tell me what their match stip/gimmick was?
Impersonating the other wrestlers.
Their impersonation of Miyu falling during her entrance led to a very welcoming crowd reaction when the real Miyu did it.
Besides this there's no reason to watch this show, honestly.
Coming soon
The FC show is on XWT.
What is wrong with her?
Who is X?
Andreza giant panda
Let's be real if the show was more put together as half TJPW/half DDT it'd probably have more people interested. I'm happy with what it is, though.
I fucked her
No you didn't.
It's a DDT show in America; not a tjpw show in America, they did a good job putting together a DDT card
The weapon rumble is prob gonna be shit again
Nothing on that card would be out of place at a ddt korakuen show is what I was getting at
I would have liked to see a couple more tjpw talents but it's a DDT show, not a ddt/tjpw show
Misao Christie
I don't like MAO being wasted in a comedy match. Would've rather had him vs. Endo or something.
Rare footage of Mizuki opening her eyes
MAO probably requested it
That's not rare at all.
Yuka is the cutest thing that has ever existed youtu.be
Goodbye, brother
Gota ihashi to aew when
Kamiyu confirmed straight
I hope Takagi drags him back to take the anal explosion spot he pussied out on last year.
I wonder what Ito-chan's bridge is like now.
She welcomed ASUKA into her DMs so it was already confirmed.
It's a swerve and it's not Misao.
Then the ref gets bumped and Misao runs in with a chair.
real fans don't torrent
Hinano was doing great a few months ago, getting over big with her crying and magic water routine, now she's a husk of her former self, the most Janetty'd hard UUG without a doubt. It may be too late to even save her at this point.
That show is 100% torrent-worthy.
Besides tossing The Raku without killing her I don't see much of a difference between her then and now.
nah ASUKAd
and you are 100% loser, dweeb
I watched the show live, it's not something worth 12 bucks.
oh you watched on taima, I gotcha
I have the platinum package. I don't need Taima for that.
She has her moments, like her judo throw, where she appears like she has potential to be more than she is, but it's interspersed in what is a routine of gimmicks which don't do much for me.
I don't think she really knows her own identity as a wrestler. Ideally that's something veterans or trainers should be helping her but that doesn't seem to be happening. She seems like a pretty goofy/funny person and she'd be better going the comedy route in all honesty. There's worse things than being like Sakura Hirota or Ranmaru.
chances are Piano will always suck, UUG 50% success rate is a great achievement
but they all still suck?
I'm not knocking comedy wrestling at all. I enjoy it as much or more than anything else. It's underappreciated. To your point of identity that's probably hitting the nail on the head. The example of Hirota is good as she's a great act. Pinano hasn't found that yet. Obviously, there's a world of difference in experience between them. If Pinano continues, she may find it.
It's not like she can't do the comedy thing while being serious, Yuka does a good job of it
Hirota's act is built on the foundations of her being able to work
>There's worse things than being like Sakura Hirota or Ranmaru
Being like Fairy Nihonbashi?
Jungle Kyona should take her Jungle Fairy gimmick freelance and team with Nipponbashi
Fairy's great though. Pinano should be the Kazuki Hirata of TJPW.
Great at what?
Takagi did end up changing the match.
Basically everyone in that first tag match vs Michael as a farewell at Korakuen.
Mahiro Academia vs Pom Wonderful vs Neko Haruna vs Nodoka for the strap should be the goal for the 1.4 main event next year.
That look.
She knows she has met her end.
She knows her unseating is coming soon.
She knows.
Yuna/kamiyu is a filler defense
Whatever gets you through the night, Mizuki.
the prefecture of /joshi/tube """comedy"""
>no pubes
tell me moar, Kamiyu
My queen.
CyberAgent will be fine.
Oh wow, a wrestler/gravure model doesn't have pubes? Damn, who could have possible expected that?
This. Hirota is really, really good at wrestling.
Looks like more TJPW overseas is coming.
That is Will Ospreay's promotion in UK.
I know it is. It says they're looking towards future western expansion.
Remember Jun Kasai being a DDT regular?
Only during the election "season", IIRC.
Needed more room on the card for Keisuke Okuda
I want to get tjpw girls booked at my loca fedl
'I don't like hair on that pussy I want it plain" - YG
pedo lines
Big Bush Raku >>>> this slut
You can find out more about Kamiyu's non-existent bush from it.
ok but what about yuna?
big thick full bush, too much area to deforest regularly
The state of this board at this point.
The 3/2 shows are up.
Yuki Aino sucks.
she has a big thicc booty and is a solid worker, i love her
We are blessed to have had Sakisama for so long.
I'd pay a lot for her to step on my face and belittle me as my friend makes a run-in and betrays me.
PAMI retirement road.
I have no idea where this goes but given my own idea of Sakisama it's most likely this in the end.
Maybe she's getting married or something IRL.
whose ass is this?
I assume it was Nonoko's music after the Reika theme in the Yuka vs Mizuki match, but whose was before Reika?
I do not remember the match that well but from the show results it was Yuki Aino's music.
post lewd Nodoka
what are they summoning?
What are they even doing?
Respectful Nodokas only.
I forgot about those kids.i wonder who ended up being the janetty
No I wanna see some of the photobook pics
Go buy it.
I'm not a mark
>It's like a naughty character.
I don't think she sucks, but def the Jannetty
what does she wear under that dress?
Nothing of importance.
Mizuki's keychain is sold out!
Anons. Help me out. Can't for the love of me find Hikari's social media.
Reika dyed her hair back to black
It was only dyed for a TV role.
the psyche raker dance
God is good. All the time.
She did a poll on Twitter asking if she should keep it or go back to black
Ito made a guest appearance in episode 3 of the live action version of BACK STREET GIRLS.
>that look
how long until Koda gets her to wrestle?
Ito would be finished.
>After a major failure, Yakuza underlings Kentaro, Ryo and Kazuhiko are forced by their boss, Inugane, to either commit seppuku and sell their organs or go to Thailand to undergo gender reassignment surgery, and train to become idols. They choose the latter and debut as Airi, Mari and Chika, the Gokudols. They suffer abuse from Inugane as he trains them to become idols. Still, their hearts are Yakuza and their brotherhood is strong.
I'm disappointed that Ito didn't get to play one of the Gokudols now
I can't believe I live in a world where Kamiyu is having exciting tag matches. Crowd counted along during the finish and everything.
the humble beginnings of manase yuna
damn where do you live?
Her tag with Mina produced surprisingly great matches on 1/13 and 2/10.
After Misao betrayed us and abandoned love and peace I don't know anymore.
haven't seen anything since that show, have they done anything else with her and Saki-sama?
They were absent in Osaka and of course they weren't showing up at the fanclub show, so no. Sakisama is back on Sunday teaming with "X" in Nagoya.
Oh and that show's not airing live, before anyone asks.
sweet looks like I'll tune in for-
who is this?
I wonder what happened to that other Asuka girl with the red hair she was pretty good
Ehh? She wasn't very good, she had a famously bad Korakuen debut against Hazuki. She was training for a comeback in 2016 (even appearing on battlemen with Chelsea and Toni Storm), but ended up quitting again.
Don't know if you're joking or not but that's Remei Asuka who had her debut match against Reo Hazuki which is probably the shittiest match in Stardom's history. She somehow managed to injure herself during it and never returned.
I think she moved to Europe and it was said that she was going to start working there with Alpha Female but she never actually did.
I do appreciate the guy saying Remei Asuka was "pretty good" considering that group also had Koguma who's one of the two best rookies Stardom's ever had along with Yoshiko.
it seems my post was comically ignorant on a number of levels
>Hyper Misao, on a fundamental, mathematical and metaphysical level, changed the nature of the business forever
>>Hyper Misao, on a fundamental, mathematical and metaphysical level, changed the nature of the business forever
keep seething while CHADsdl meets and bangs all the prime joshi pussy on the circuit, ya pinhead
who is this?
Maybe the management will wake up to the fact she is a draw and can carry this damn company to the dome
no she was pretty good
What was Keisuke Ishii's reason for leaving DDT?
When she signs with them completely.
Because he was another midcard 4life and wanted to try something different I presume. There's more freedom working for BASARA/Ganbare and getting some outside bookings than being a DDT guy as well.
She gets the longest merch lines from what I've read. The promotion clearly sees her value since he's booked strong.
I love Unagi but just what is her headstand move supposed to be exactly
Gatoh Move fan are quite the loyalists. Riho apparently had a very long line at DDT when she worked as Rihotimo Dragon.
It's one of those standard headscissors reversals you'd see in the beginning of a match like in @3:35, but instead of following it up with something she just poses.
it's an escape, then the pose to clown her opponent some more
I mean the problem is he's not really going to do any better anywhere else. He's in his mid-30s and just kind of a standard "decent but not great" wrestler. So he'll leave DDT's midcard to, what, shuffle around in the Junior division for Noah and AJPW, in effect in much the same position?
anyone else notice Haruna no longer wrestles with the bell on her collar
Spilling pocketfuls of spagetti
posting this to ensure that the bump limit is actually released before the next one is posted
where's the faggot? Make a new one already
She should bring it back. The sound of dimes needs to echo through each venue.