To me, chops were stupid and brainless and went against everything logical about the business...

> To me, chops were stupid and brainless and went against everything logical about the business. We're only supposed to pretend we're hurting each other; when you really are hurting and being hurt, you're the mark. The only guy more stupid than the guy chopping you is the guy taking them. - Bret Hart.

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Chops arent really used as real offense Bret you stupid fucking mark. They are there as a narrative tool so small guys can hit big guys and show defiance, and so big guys can demolish small guys with them and show dominance.
Its a simple move with a loud noise that encourages crowd participation. Also id rather take 10,000 walter chops than 1000 back bumps.

That's absolutely not how chops were used back then. Flair chopping people wasnt a "I'm bigger than you and tossing my weight around" move.

Didn't Bret used to chop and be chopped though?
Can see his point though because chops can legit be deadly.

Even a broken clock is right twice a day. I think it's fucking stupid how shitters like Daniel Bryan allow themselves to be chopped like they do and act like their fucked up chests are some badge of courage

yeah and the book that quote was taken from was released in the mid-late 00s. Bret is just an old limp cunt that happened to be right one time in 97 so everyone takes his maple leaf wearin, stroke havin, business exposin simp that got raped by his ding-dong diddly daddy every day in the ding-dong diddly dungeon.

How many times did Stu Hart dump Bret on his head for his son to turn into such a fucking mark?

>Can see his point though because chops can legit be deadly.
Only if you're a complete fucking tard.
The only time you see people with purple chests after a match is in shindys where they're just shoot hitting each other in the chest as hard as they can. Nobody ever came out of a Ric Flair match looking like they got whipped with a studded belt.

That's why Gargano thigh slapping during a chop is so genius and the future of this business.

Brett's just being a bitch.

Bret is right as always.

>when someone says they dont like choppas

Attached: ishii disgust.jpg (549x742, 63K)

Bret still making the marks SEETHE to this day.

chops are cool and good though

>gets shoot kicked in the head by (((Goldberg))), causing lifelong physical issues and endings his career prematurely
>muh chops

Bret was one of the greatest (and still is) ya triggered indie manlet marks, mad that your favorite midget is being called out for taking stiff chops in the local highschool gym for a can of pepsi, half of a cold hero sub and a pat on the back

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wrestling isn't "pretending" to hurt each other either wtf kind of description is that?

>getting hit on purpose
>getting legit kicked on accident when you’re not suppose to hit them for realsies

user you know accident happen?

Chops > forearms

The sharpshooter is also illogical you couldn't apply that on a resisting opponent unless you weight twice as him.
And it's not like chops hurt much.

If you look at some of the wrestlers as they get old, their pec muscles are separating nowdays. And I have to think it's from the chops.

I don't watch wrestling so I don't care