A week before your ppv and this is the state of your card
A week before your ppv and this is the state of your card
Reigns & Rollins vs Corbin, Mcintyre and Lashley is being advertised by the venue
What's the matter, not enough workrate for ya?
Not enough dimes
>being a dimes drone in 2019
what a fucking mark
>the boss 'n' hug connection
who the FUCK came up with this name
Still better than any other promotion
Still more than Who Japan LMAO
Mandy beating Asuka and destroying the weebs will make the show worth it
So what happened to the brand specific PPVs thing?
>no cruiserweight title match
Kill me
they stopped doing it.
Someone dumb. Bayley's gimmick is dumb too.
Might actually skip this one
has tamina ever had 3 PPV matches in a row before?
Is so fucking cringe, but the worst part is that they probably thought it's was a clever name
Come on... this can't be serious...
The 2 marks
Can't wait for Mandy to beat Asuka and send her to the Moolah battle royal at Mania
They should've called themselves the brapperinas
Random predictions
Finn, Seth and Roman vs Drew, Corbin and Bobbo
Revival vs DIY - RAM Tag Titles
Preshow - Almas vs Rey
>watching every wwe ppv
=signs you might be an e-drone
a lot of aspies talk a big game, but it's all lies. at the end of the day, you're all networkfags - keep giving wwe your money
Why did they throw an extra event in before WM? Just fucked them creatively because everyone knows half the card is created at the Rumble and the other half at EC and they pretty much stuck to that format and then realised they have another PPV in the way they have to work around.
Prior to this year one show got EC the other got Fastlane. They should have removed one this year I agree.
Rent fucking free
I literally don't remember Fastlane ever being there, guess it must have been a throw away card every year like this one
Last year had the size way title defense.
It was always just a bullshit network special never on PPV. Most notable match was Ambrose almost beating HHH
Oh boy, I woooonder if Dean will join the faces.
Also known as HHH's only good modern match.
DIY aint doing shit. Ciampa's knee is hanging by a thread and they need him to perform at Takeover NY's main event with it.
I'd say it's a throw away PPV but that's all of them now
it's pretty fucking bad
You'll be making this thread again before WM.
Eliminatiom Chamber and Fastlane have always been filler PPVs but goddamn this is something else.
Unless Balor gets someone good I'm giving this a miss.
>boss n hug connection
This name works me so hard, it doesn't even rhyme like rock n sock.
sasha and bayley