Steve Blackman should have been a world champion

Steve Blackman should have been a world champion

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and then what?

and then draw heaps of dimes

Then I ding-dong diddly diddle ya dad ya ditherin dingbat

And then the Attitude Era continues for the next 10 years

Did he even make Intercontinental?

Unfortunately not.


BASED, red and truth pilled

I feel like Blackman should be one of /ourguy/s although he needs a meme to get over

And then he fucking beats everyone

I've spent the past few days rewatching old 1998/1999 PPVs and Steve Blackman is featured prominently in a lot of them... his feud with Ken Shamrock should have been better, but was still pretty fucking good.

and then he just holds it forever and nobody can beat him till Brock shows up and things go as normal

His meme is that he is like Haku, legitimately feared by everyone else. He just doesn't have the crazy stories Haku does because most don't try to fuck with him. Here's Bob Holly.

>At Kansas City airport, Steve and I were waiting around when Bradshaw came over. It was an early morning flight and John was still drunk from the night before. He started patting Steve’s ass. Steve said, “John, I don’t play that shit, knock it off.” John patted him again. And again. Steve was getting brutally pissed. He told him, “John, next time you do that, I’m going to knock your fucking teeth out.” So, of course, John did it again. Steve whipped around and backhanded Bradshaw, popping him with jabs in the face.

>John started swinging and missing, and his head was snapping back with each of Steve’s jabs. Steve stepped back, planning to kick Bradshaw’s knees out, but he got his leg caught in a bag handle. Al Snow and I grabbed Steve, Ron Simmons grabbed John, and we pulled them apart. John was walking back and forth like a bandy rooster, looking to fight. Before we left, Steve told him, “I’m going to fucking kill you.” He meant it too.

>We got our car and got on the road. Ken Shamrock was riding with us. Me, Blackman, and Shamrock. That’s a dangerous car, and I’m the warm one — a teddy bear compared to the other two. That whole journey, Shamrock was poking and prodding Steve, telling him that Bradshaw was going to beat his ass. Steve wasn’t saying a word. And who did we see when we checked in to the hotel? Bradshaw and Ron were right there.

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>The boys don’t always stay at the same hotels, so it was a complete coincidence and not a good one for John. He came over to apologize and Steve said, “No apologies, I’m going to finish you later,” then walked off. We found him in the gym, still boiling mad. Once we were in the arena and had sat down in catering, John walked in. Everybody went silent as Steve stood up. He said, “If you’ve got something to say to me, you say it now or I’m going to finish you in front of everybody.” Bradshaw walked over, apologized and said, “I shouldn’t have fucked with you,” and shook his hand. That was the end of it. Steve sat down and said, “Bob, if it wasn’t for that bag, John would be in intensive care right now.” Trust me, I believe it — if anybody can put Bradshaw in the hospital with one kick, it’s Steve Blackman.

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The personality of cardboard
>WWE Champion
Fucking LULZ

Wwe would never put a black man as champ

Nigga, we are talking about the same company who made Jinder Mahal world champion

>that thousand yard stare
What is Blackman looking at?

Jinder Mahal has personality and looks like a bad ass. He also won the title in 2018.

Steve Blackman never got a crowd reaction and wasn't even worthy enough to win a European championship run.

He kills everyone.

Natty mahal was dimes had the look and had good mic skills

He didn't even draw in India. Guy was a failure and they know it, that's why he's in jobberland now.