>when you’re such an anti-draw that WWE has to send Becky with you to draw fans
When you’re such an anti-draw that WWE has to send Becky with you to draw fans
I'll take the left
why didnt ronda come out?
She's above wasting her time meeting smelly nerds
>implying her pokeyman loving ass isn’t a smelly nerd
Becky was signed before Asuka idiot
They signed together and Becky's line was three times bigger. How embarrassing for Fatsuka. She probably wanted to die
She probably didn't care cause she's not a fucking self mark and she gets paid regardless of how many people are in line
same becketty that got low ratings in every show she was on
Cool she got paid the same as Becky and got to gtfo and do something she actually wants to do instead of shake hands with mouth breathers
Nobody wants to be reminded that they're unpopular, self mark or not. Asuka is a self mark btw
Beko was a mistake.
>ratings went down every single week since Bucky's monster push began
>only SD episode to actually gain viewers was the one with Asuka
Cringeshitters are absolutely SEETHING
>trumpf ameriFATS cant connect with a nippon intelligent woman
like clockwork
More like 7-8X bigger. I was there.
Women’s wrestling really taking over the world. Lol
pic or GTFO
Americans truly have shit taste, how can you prefer genderbent retarded stone cold potato nigger to a colourful chubby nippon.
Little thing called charisma
>Implying they didnt send Asuka to save Beckys anti draw
Besides I'm not a waifufag. Just telling the truth.
>coping this hard
the length of both lines is embarrassingly short
asuka deserved better than this
MA product NOW
The ding dong line was for both beckfag
business exposed!
user's shooting on the bexfags! Is this for real?
No it wasn't. Multiple people who were there have confirmed Asuka's line was pitiful. Most of the few people who did go to her only wanted her to sign a funko pop to sell on Ebay
Those people were all you lying user