Dijak 6'7"

>Dijak 6'7"
>Lee 6'2"
>Riddle 6'2"
>Dream 6'2"
>Reeves 6'4"
>Martinez 6'7"
>Babatunde 6'9"
>Omogbehin 7'3"
>Brennan 6'7"
Looks like Paul finally got a clue, NXT 2019-2020 is gonna be based

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Lee isn't even 5'11", but a few of those guys can go and it could be a bright future for hoss battles. It's too bad Kassius Ohno wasn't 9 or 10 years younger.
Also, you could add Walter to that list, he's 6'3"

yeah but WALTER is in NXT UK and he's gonna be alone, unless he fights Alpha Female

He's said he wouldn't have any problems coming to the States for TV tapings or whatever. If you can fly from Europe to California for a weekend of PWG you can just as easily fly to Florida for a weekend to do months worth of NXT tapings.

I want to see Jazzy squash Pete Dunn in under a minute.


Lee is 5,8 at best and Dijak is 6,0.....

>yeah but WALTER is in NXT UK and he's gonna be alone, unless he fights Alpha Female
Two days ago on NXT UK he worked against Kassius Ohno.

I think putting Jazzy in with the guys would be a mistake of the Rhea vs Manny variety. Jazzy would be exposed for not being anywhere near as big as she seems.

>tall guys look short when compared to other massive guys
When will you simps realize they aren’t actually all that short?

Manlet detected

Sizequeens are so cringe

Anyone under 6' is short for wrestling.

Manlet detected

Keep coping "Big" Kev

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>ever getting on TV

Not in your lifetime

Mcintyre was called up and hasn't done shit. Vince wants charisma not height

He's honestly a shitter

But if Manny and Shane fuse they could easily be 6'7"

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That guy just needs the right look. Unfortunately he looks goofy in everything.

Well shit, it sucks that the newest crop of midget callups don't have height or charisma.

Hi Brennan


There are worse people on TV

No, actually though.

gargano has charisma.
i don't like him but he clearly gets over

Hes over with the reddit crowd

I get you. He comes across as a bit of a lanklet, I just hope he's a lot comfortable in his body than a guy like Titus O'Neil who always moves around like he just bought his body yesterday.

He has no charisma he’s just booked to win matches and be the focus of every tv episode you dumb mark

The least valuable type of people btw

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How do marks fall for this shit? Use your fucking eyes. It’s like when people insist Cole is over 190 pounds. How fucking stupid can you be?

DIY got no reaction for their Raw debut. Outside of the IWC bubble nobody knows who these NXT simps are. You have to have already handed over your dimes to consider watching nxt.

>It’s like when people insist Cole is over 190 pounds.
Michael Cole is well over 190 pounds you brainlet and simp

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>Jazzy would be exposed for not being anywhere near as big as she seems
She is taller and in better shape than Dunne. I just want to see her totally emasculate fake tough guy Dunne.

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he still gets over with an audience unlike drew is my point
and he did get over at the rumble, but not at raw in bumfuckistan louisiana. true.

Nah he just can wrestle good and people in NXT can get over on that alone. Look at fucking Gable and Jordan, are you gonna say they had charisma?

>Look at fucking Gable and Jordan, are you gonna say they had charisma
no because they didn't get huge reactions at NXT takeovers

>Look at fucking Gable and Jordan, are you gonna say they had charisma?
Gable has charisma. Their entire team was carried entirely on his shoulders. They got over because Gable laid the foundation before they were even a team. All Jordan did was run around the ring like a cheap Angle rip-off pulling his straps down, and he only started doing that when they were established.

>He thinks 6' isnt short in wrestling....

Back in the day hench dudes were interesting.
But now, nobody has the size plus talent plus charisma all at the same time.
There's no star power.
The only people making waves are pushing 6 foot 3 or 4 AT MOST, and the other 95% is average sized because we're in the era where we want the average sized guy to do well, because he best represents the majority of us 5 foot 10 average bastards.

>Vince wants charisma

So why'd he push Roman?

Nobody got a reaction that night

They were fucking over huge in London, Dallas & The End

>i have a fetish
>i want everyone to sit through my fetish
>also i want real fights in a worked fight biz
what else would you like zoomer?

I don't get why they didn't signed her after the myc.
You could put her with a mouth piece like bliss.

big guys with any real talent just hit hollywood these days

it's better money and less wear and tear

She had a neck injury iirc

Anyone under 6 inches should neck themselves