>See, he was running a video store beforeVince (McMahon)let him write for the magazine...Hecan't spell.He can't write or speak English! He "grew up in Brooklyn n' da Bronx or whateva" — I'm looking at the guy's pad: he can't spell, okay? It's not like he's a goddamn Rhodes scholar...So he's writing for the magazine. He insinuates himself. He's got good ideas. He has good ideas at a time when theyneedgood ideas. And, you know, I'm not saying he's never had any good ideas. But you know what the problem is? The problem is that all the good ideas he's ever had is from watchingthose goddamn, cheap-ass B-moviesthat they used to rent at his goddamn loser video store. He doesn't know anything about wrestling. That's why when you hear "ding ding ding!", it's immediately followed 60 seconds later by "ding ding ding!" Keep the matches as short as possible. When that bell rings, Vince Russo is lost. Vince Russo is a babe in the woods. Vince Russo is a deer caught in the headlights, as long as there's a wrestling match going on.
See, he was running a video store beforeVince (McMahon)let him write for the magazine...Hecan't spell...
>As long as he can make it a phony B-movie script oran outhouse in the ring, orwomen having miscarriages, or something that appeals to his New York bullshit attitude. So get thewrestling matches out of it, 'cause nobody wants to see that shit anyway. That's been proven over atWCW, where they don't even have wrestling matches anymore — I watchedThunderthe other night, because I happened to be stuck in a hotel room; I sawLance Stormfalling around like a drunk man. When you makethatguy uncoordinated,you can do it to anybody...He's got a bunch of fucking dancing bears parading around in the ring, a bunch of women with silicone, and a bunch of club-footed, slap-happy fucking guys that couldn't work their way out of a wet paper bag. And he don't know the fucking difference.
>And he's out therebeating upRic Flairwith a baseball bat!Because hefinally got to be a star.Now he doesn't have to subsist on theinternet marksfuckin' clapping for him. He can have the fucking roar of their dwindling crowds, going, "ooh, that's uhh–yeah, that Russo guy. He's a star now!He beats the wrestlers!" He made this statement: "Well, we'll just teach actors to wrestle, because ifIcan learn to work in the ring,anyone can!" There'sa goddamn news bulletin I didn't hear about when I heard about World War II and all the other great happenings of the past fifty years!: When did Vince Russo learn to fucking work? Jesus Fucking Christ.I wanna puke.
Nice story bro.
I rather watch short matches and lots of angles and segments than 20 minute flips without psychology on RAW.
I once thought Cornette was right about everything but looking back some of his claims are retarded, like:
>That's why when you hear "ding ding ding!", it's immediately followed 60 seconds later by "ding ding ding!" Keep the matches as short as possible. When that bell rings, Vince Russo is lost. Vince Russo is a babe in the woods. Vince Russo is a deer caught in the headlights, as long as there's a wrestling match going on.
When it's known Russo had nothing to do with the matches and let the agents/guys work it out. Jim is a retarded old man.
Corny hates flippy shit too aasfuck. He just wanted matches with giving birth to hands or a contortionist dropping buckets of shit on people or dancing fucking bears
B movie bullshit was basically what LU was, and for at least a few seasons it was great. The thing is the wrestling was still the meat of the show.
>When it's known Russo had nothing to do with the matches and let the agents/guys work it out.
Yeah, I'm sure the head writer had nothing to do with how long matches went or what their finishes were.
And no casual fans gives a fuck about the actual wrestling. They are begging to switch the channel when it goes too long especially just if its two nobodies having match for the sake of having a match.
Casual fans don't exist any more and will never exist again even if Russo was given 1 billion to start a wrestling show
Whats your point? Long wrestling matches aren't the answer.
LU storylines were movie-like, it just so happened that the wrestling there was fucking kino. The first two Aztec Warfares are fucking lit.
You already lost the argument, Russo. Accept it, you are never coming back to wrestling and that's good.
My point is trying to draw casuals is pointless. Wrestling only has a finite amount of fans now and it won't grow any more.
Dumb attitude.
>Lets keep this shit in our bubble and not even try to expand by thinking outside of the bubble
4.5 million people tuned in to the RAW anniversary. They all left because there was nothing they wanted to tune into back next week. That shows that the interest is still there but quality is lacking.
What argument? Ratings were at all time high when focus was on weekly episodic TV with shorter matches.
That was 20 years ago, Russo. Nobody cares anymore. Streaming services killed TV.
Doesn't matter if they want to expand. Any casual fan has much better options for entertainment now than wrestling, even if it were attitude era wrestling. The 4.5 mil were former fans who tuned in for "oh yeah I used to like that wrestling stuff," then left when they realized it was objectively bad. They wouldn't have stuck around in any scenario
I don't get the point of your baiting but whatever
Corny's implying HE booked how the matches went and saying that's why were short, and that's retarded
If he was the main writer then yeah he would've booked how long the matches would go because you need to in order to fit everything into how much TV time you're given.
Understand that Corny is implying that Russo is booking THE ACTUAL MOVES IN THE MATCHES and that was """the reason""" why they were so short; that's asinine
"Basically, now that everybody is smart, wrestling is dead, wrestling is gone. I don't know why anybody watches it, I don't know why anybody does it, because the whole concept of professional wrestling was two guys are gonna have a fight, they're gonna work it, but they're gonna work it so that you believe that they're really fighting and you buy a ticket to see who's gonna fucking win because you care. All of that is gone, all of that is gone and it's not coming back, so therefore, I do not see why we have professional wrestling today and why anybody fucking does it and why anybody fucking watches it."
"The reason" being Russo doesn't know how to book a wrestling match when he NEVER DID THAT IN THE FIRST PLACE
Russo does not book matches, only interferences and endings what you need to advance storylines. Thats the point of wrestling. If 2 minute matches advances the story why the fuck would I want to watch 18 more minutes of pointless move exchanges on regular RAW
Writers do not orchestrate the matches themselves dumbass.
Cornette is right about wrestling and wrong about everything else
His critiques of raw and smackdown from the last few weeks are great, I hope he keeps it up
Exactly you retard, that's what Cornette implies Russo does
This. I wish he didn't rant about politics otherwise I'd listen to his podcast
Then why do people watch PPVs?
Legendary shoot
Quentin Tarrantino has made a nice career of ripping off the movies he watched as a video store employee too.
Because thats the culmimation of the angles and feuds build on weekly TV. And usually there is 1 big money match
The difference is Tarantino stuck to movies, drew massive dimes, and didn't kill his industry
Explain to me how a TV writer killed the entirety of wrestling, I'll wait fatass
By Russo running WCW off a cliff it couldn't recover from, it caused the WWF to quit trying. Thus forcing them to rely on the smarks who push away casuals. And Russo tried to book to these very same smarks is the sad part. Also lose weight you projecting fatty
Lmao at greasy smarks still blaming Russo for WCWs death in 2019. Jesus Christ son
>Losing your job to a failed video store owner
Ya seethe ya obese virgin 2019 wrestling fan
>record high ratings everywhere he went
>meanwhile, Cornette has a dead company to show off.
Keep seething Cornetty
So why did the record high ratings dip down when he was given more creative control
Russo didn't run WCW off a cliff and most of the time he spent there writing was in a committee also featuring Bischoff. WCW was an absolute mess backstage and it died because after the AOL/Time Warner merger they wanted to dump the wrestling because it's low-class redneck trash.
If this was true Russo wouldn't be living on a literal basement, kid.
>has to literally beg Vince for a job on a routine basis
>gets denied and ignored so he relies on smark dimes instead
>a success
>success early in life means you can't blow all your money and live poorly later on
even if you don't agree with what he's saying he's still fun to listen to, guy can actually talk about anything and make it interesting
cornette created some of the biggest stars of the 2000s in ovw chump
Because Vince is doing so well right now, Am i right?