Now you know

Now you know

Attached: FFB01827C8B1481898DCD6D94C0373A5.png (2518x1024, 193K)

Fuck off Carter you mentally ill fuck. No one cares about your feud with yourself

based dean chad making wolfie seethe


Attached: 3772.jpg (385x398, 31K)


What can I even say about this? Well, you know, other than HOLY FUCKING BASED IMMA ABOUT TO CUMOLLA

I care

Hi carter

>tfw Yea Forums likes your OC
that image might be my best and only worthwhile contribution to this board.


Attached: 1541374305154.jpg (480x672, 235K)

It is unironically the worst, laziest and uninspired virgin vs chad image ive ever seen, bad even for a shithole like this



Ya seethe?


What's Carter's Reddit account?

Kys spastic. The shit quality adds character and is part of the appeal

Chad/virgin is unironically a meme that works better when it's lazy. There is something undeniably cringe about someone who breaks out the tablet and stylus to edit one.

Is Dean Chad actually returning for the WrestleMania 35 game thread to face Wolfie?

Yes. Carter's been long term booking for months being heart on wolfcuc for their main event then
