Is she a kaufman (j e w)?

is she a kaufman (j e w)?

Attached: 1549604095027.jpg (1400x1400, 159K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Kauf (buy)
man (girl (male)

She's a ding-dong diddly tranny heeb


She grew up in a million dollar home, so what do you think....

This cunt is a 10/10 according to the virgins of Yea Forums

She's a cute

she's german

>Jews never lie
Oh no no no

She looks like Anna Kendrick in this picture.

Who the hell cares?

No one, that's why there's a 3 hour gap between the thread being made and OP getting embarrassed and coming back to give it the first reply

>not having a jewess fetish

Found (((them)))

>She got a kikes nose
>Has a kike last name
People still have to ask this dumb question.

JIDF seething

Does the pope shit in the woods?
Thats a jew brother

>wears a cross
>owns a pig
>denies being a Jew which jews aren’t allowed to do
based lexi got you SEETHING DEEP

Learn what a jew nose looks like

Real answer? No. Fun answer? Yes.

No one actually thinks she's a jew, it's just a meme.

>No one actually thinks she's a jew, it's just a meme.

Attached: 545454.gif (450x292, 2.51M)

Probably, Jews are a beautiful race

No, she just has a massive nose

She is a pure Aryan.

Attached: 2448CC43-EF84-49A5-9C41-B2F99BBCCEEC.png (200x196, 21K)


Attached: full.jpg (600x799, 71K)

Probably like 1/8 or 1/16