Book his gimmick, Yea Forums

Book his gimmick, Yea Forums.

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He no sells headlocks

Goldberg already has a gimmick m8

He sends various villains to fight Spider-Man

Science experiment to duplicate Goldberg gone wrong.
>You book a manager
>He manages a few low card guys and can't get a win
>A few weeks down the line Special Guest Goldberg
> Manager gets Goldberg's DNA through a used cup or some shit
> Next week have vignette of him walking into a science building with the cup
> A month later he returns with this guy

Why the fuck can't bookers do shit like this?

Wanna turn him from an evil henchman to a sympathetic babyface?
>he tries to spear people but his genetic balancing is misaligned
>he headbutts them in the sternum whenever he tries
>his neck acts as shock absorption so it doesn't damage him but his lifespan is reduced every time he does it
High-power finisher AND a point of sympathy for the fans.

OP here


That works but i think for the most part he should stay heel. He keeps trying the spear and misses and misses maybe instead of hitting his opponent they always move and his neck hits the turnbuckle,
kind of like how Santino always missed The Cobra for a long ass time- except this wont be funny.
We do this shit for a good year
>same story where if he hits his neck on the turnbuckle one more time he WILL die
> wrestlemania match comes against whoever the top baby face is
> Bio-Goldberg hasn't done the spear in a few months
>Manager stresses that he;s to never never hit the spear he's been doing so good and he;s so happy that he's alive and picking up wins etc
>Bio-Goldberg has major heat with the fans and top babyface gets super pops
> Match happens
> Top face is in the corner , Bio-Goldberg starts setting up for the spear garnering a positive reaction from the crowd
> He actually hits the spear
> He is on top of the guy, also collapsed
> Ref Counts 123
>Manager is looking in disbelief but also worry , not as happy as someone who just won the championship
>Ref hands manager the belt
>Manager tries to pick up Bio-Goldberg
> His oponent also helps but can't
> Manager pushes top baby face away and sends him to the back
> Manager lays the belt on a dead bio-goldberg and cries in the middle of the ring
>copyright 2020 wwe entertainment inc

He opens up a Pawn Shop and lowballs every offer

In order to beat Lesnar, Goldberg covers his body with sandtrout and becomes the "God Emperor" of WWE for 3,000 years.

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First reveal should be gillburg then this guy

Stone Cold Seal Austin.

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feud vs pic related at necklemania

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Quackenbush did shit like that all the time

How does a human body even get like this?


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I like the slow burn old school feel here, centered on a move like the spear. None of that unbelievable flippy shit. BOOK IT.

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Bruh... look at this dude

does the run in and goes over clean

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Came here to post this
Absolutely fucking based