Yea Forums could have been a /wsg/ or something where all the boards of Yea Forums could come together...

Yea Forums could have been a /wsg/ or something where all the boards of Yea Forums could come together. the Yea Forums fags could have had their general, BLWG could continue his Becky Lynch Autismn, /wsg/ could keep making their Sasha Banks and Billie Kay faggotry, Yea Forums could continue their festish league.

Deanmark and the clueless moderation has killed this board completely.

The other boards of Yea Forums have had better wrestling memes than Yea Forums

What the fuck is
>Recycling a Kevin Nash phrase
>huh, wat u mean

There is no relation other than spamming it randomly in every thread. The Kevin Nash one he made by pasting the text with impact font over a deviant art drawing was the dullest thing I've ever seen

Then there's the creating imaginary characters for him to argue with
>Fedoramen, fartcuc, Triphammer, B-the Kid, Babun

What's even worst is the morale and paranoia that has developed here. Anything and everything will be taken as Carter and Deanmark. And likewise everything that is creative and funny will have Deanmark replying to it "get back to wew" "how new are you?" "reddit"

Yea Forums is boring now, what's worst is that he probably applied for Janitor

Attached: carter.jpg (700x700, 197K)

fuck off deancuck

Based Carter working Yea Forums into oblivion

tl;dr lmao

>Then there's the creating imaginary characters for him to argue with
>>Fedoramen, fartcuc, Triphammer, B-the Kid, Babun
And Wolfcuck

why are you talking in third person? it's obvious because 'huh, what you mean' hasn't been seen properly since late summer last year and that was when you were last here.
>inb4 huh, what you mean

wat u mean?

Carter posted using his trip like two days ago in the same fag thread

Carter is Iraqi

mama mia ya seetha wouldnt wana be ya

huh, wat u mean. Ya ding-dong diddly seething? Ya got slimed like Kevin Trash during the summer of 1992. Go back to wew ya newfag

dude you take your Yea Forums very seriously i hope you dont do the same with wrestling

His building of wolfcuc (him) vs himself for Wrestlemania Weekend is shitting the place up too.

Mammia mia ya seethe

BASED. Thank you dean spic for drawing the houe

>t. undercooked bagel

List of known names/aliases used by Carter:

Carter, Carter Stalker, Triphammer, Deanspic, Deanmark, Deancuck, Deanchad, nWoWolfpacTV, WolfCHAD, Wolfcuck, Blissboi, Bexbro, BecklyLynchWaifuguy, B-the Kid, Bayley Club President, Jebus Matoi, Crossfitjesus, Large Hound Mark, Fedoramen, Fedoramen stalker, FStalker, Fartcuck, Fartfag, Tripcummies, Carter The Internet, Ambrose Asylum President, Jon Good, Bretcuck, Bretmark, Bretboss, B-The Kidd, Biff Andreas, DaCREAN, Trooth Bombz, Rumblelad, Booker, Tommy Malice, Ryder Club President, Babun Tarisan, Philmark, Urban Meyers Sweatervest (OUTLAW), DEVITT, The Jewmaican, Guy Incognito , Jewbacca, Suicide Luchador, Randyfag, Broken Anyonymous, Zack Helms, Beato, Beato Richie, Blissfag, Sethfag, Rawtist, Smacklad, KURT ANGLE, OLYMPIC HERO, Sam Koch Fan Club, Rosemary (._. ), Cincy Made Cuck, Dean boy, The Bacc, Pedomod, Pedomod spammer, Large Hound Mark, Trump, outlaw cest, 2cold-SteveO, t. 500hp street demon, Loose Goose, Shoot Nation, Ziggy, CM Funk, Chicagoat, Germanbro

Bases and greenpills and sxposing the ding-dong diddly biz

Hi carter

Why do we have so many minorities as users of note? I can't relate to there not being a white man.

we're all minorities. this is a containment board the Chinese use to annex us

I am Greek.

Im half armenian and getman

BLWG here
can confirm not carter you've all seen the ding-dong diddly picture
now back into hibernation

Attached: IeFzzwE.png (456x537, 387K)

I'm an Ashkenazi Jew from Israel



Does carter ever fucking sleep? Ever?

Attached: DAiFFR9.gif (320x240, 3.75M)


Imagine typing all of that out

Our janitor is more interested in banning people for racism and homophobia than actually cleaning up the board. So much spam and off topic shit gets ignored (there's a general dedicated to a japanese weather girl that is just one loser spamming webms of her and other weather girls for fucks sake) but say nigger once and bam three day ban

No Carter's like Vince McMahon. He's never slept more than 3 or 4 hours for the past 10 years only power naps when he needs to because he's the top draw, part time Yea Forumsamania main eventer and head of Yea Forums creative all at the same time.

He won't sleep up until after the WM35 game thread when he faces Wolfcuck in the main event which he's been long term booking since the end of summer/beginning of Autumn last year.

Here's the deal Yea Forums. If we can use our collective intelligence to kill pro-wrestling, this board can be nuked and we can all be saved from our miserable existence.
