Who's he facing at Double or Nothing?

>In b4 Undertaker

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he's not booked for DON. he's not on the AEW roster

Haven't they been saving him at random indie shows, though?


jim cornette in a inflatable penis scaffold match

He’s regularly on Being the Elite. He’ll clearly sign with them.

He's facing sexual assault charges

they a where the crowd were chanting 'sign him' and they made something up along the lines of 'we can't because lucha underground...'

basically they don't really want to sign him tho

yeah they need bigger faggots like sonny kiss lmao

>w-why can't we get a tv deal

sonny isn't problematic. joey is

He's on a LU contract.

Isn’t LU owned by AAA though?

Sonny Kiss vs. Ryan is probably the planned match lol

Wish they had balls so he could face the tranny

He's not saying he's problematic he's just saying he's a faggot which he is

Are you that same user who told me Kenny was signing with the E because bte did a comedy resident evil segment

well then they should get a TV deal with no problem in the current year

Gay sex scenes are less cringe than Sonny Kiss

Kinda, it's a retarded situation which is why Ivalisse threw a shitfit

This nigga out here living the dream.

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isnt that jomos chubby gf?

>basically they don't really want to sign him tho
He is one of the guys who founded PWG. You may not like him, but he is a draw to certain people and he has been here for the whole rise of indies. He paved the way for some of the current main eventers, he found them, he let them crash on his couch and so on.
He is important to Bucks and is good friends with Cody as well.

>chubby gf?
chubby wife

This. People can hate Joey all they want but he’s found a niche and makes enough money to not have to worry about going anywhere like WWE.

I honestly think comedy wrestling is an untapped goldmine in the west. If it’s done right it’s excellent.

no one, because he's under contract to lucha underground.