Did he do it?

Did he do it?

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It makes the most sense out of all the options.

Not sure if it was him but Benoit's wiki page being edited 9 hours before police found the bodies & being traced to an IP in Stanford is suspicious as fuck to anyone who isn't naive. Wouldn't be the first murder Vince has covered up (see: Snuka)


>Not sure if it was him but Benoit's wiki page being edited 9 hours before police found the bodies & being traced to an IP in Stanford is suspicious as fuck to anyone who isn't naive.
it was some dumbass wwe mark who happened to live in stamford and felt like shitposting
benoit strangled the life out of that bitch and then mercy killed his midget son.

Why would Vince call attention to the area of the HQ of his company? I think whoever did it tried to drag Vince doen too.

He ordered the hit, but Chris Jericho carried it out

*murders you*

Keep believing that goyim

He didn't call attention. They literally linked it to WWE HQ
plus Vince is a Mason & their motto is literally 'Hide in plain sight'

he doesn't look like a child killer, on chris could've killed daniel

doesn't add up

why would the jews want to kill benoit
he was literally a midcarder with no influence

>Further investigation shows that the IP address used to make the first edit is located in Connecticut, but the IP address is not linked to any computers or servers used by the WWE, but according to Cary Bass, Volunteer Coordinator for the Wikimedia Foundation, the IP address matches a location in Stamford, Connecticut where the WWE headquarters is located. Bass also informed the local authorities in Atlanta about the unusual edits, but it is not known if the edits were investigated by the police.

What the fuck bros?

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Sacrifice for selling his soul for fame. His tag team partner Biff Wellington was also found murdered on the same day

Why would Jericho do that?

Sullivan wanted revenge for his wife getting taken, he was a known Satanist


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Maybe Benoit was gonna expose him for being the roid peddler
After Benoit's death, Jericho's physique went to shit and he started going off about how he was the "savior of wrestling"

so explain how kevin sullivan did it without being caught on their security cameras

Anyone who listens to Sullivan's podcast will know he legit believes he's some kind of wizard & that wrestling is used to cast spells on the masses trough emotional manipulation. Wouldn't put anything past him given how deep into that shit he seems to be along with Vampiro

he was invited in for sex while Benoit was on tour, their normal sex routine involved being tied up.

Chris Benoit killed his family, made the rotten rounds for a day or so, then himself.
This is the face of someone who's no longer "living the gimmick." This is the face of someone who's realized they're at the end of their rope.
You can see the regret in his eyes, knowing whatever legacy he had up to this point will be scrubbed away.
This guy was pure ego. For all of the talk about how hardcore he was, but who's ass did he kick besides a woman's, a small boy's and his own?

Living the gimmick all the way to the grave. Pathetic midlife crisis man who realizes he fucked up after it's too late.

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hi Kev

That's the face of a man who knows he and his family are about to be ritualistically sacrificed

the same ip also made edits to the pages of stacy kiebler and chavo guerreo jr


Sorry guys, these eyes don't lie.

I bet this was the first time in a long time he no longer had to prove anything to anyone, because the only ones that mattered to him were already dead.

Cool shirt

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this pic was taken a week before.
this is the face of a man who was told he was jobbing to CM Punk for the ECW title


You ever think why yourself and others are so uncomfortable with the slight possibility that Benoit might be innocent? Do you want to know why? It's because of the absolute character assassination over the past 12 years, and if he really didn't do it, imagine the ramifications for destroying the rep of an innocent man to the point where he's literally been erased from wwe history. That would be just as heartbreaking as the ""official"" story

Chris killed them.
There's no signs of a break in.
There's no other person on the cameras coming into or leaving the home.
Only Chris and his family are seen on camera.
Chris being innocent must be an Yea Forums meme, he's totally did it and it isn't even that surprising.
Pic related

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there is far more evidence that OJ Simpson didn't murder Ron & Nicole
you're gonna have to do better than muh satanic sacrifice

they both did it, mark


le Kevin Suliven killed Benoit family meme NO HE FUCKING DIDN'T YOU FUCKING UNDERAGE


fuck you kevin eat shit you satanist piece of shit

there is just too many things that don't add up

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3 candidates to do it for Kev:

Jericho - motive is he had to kill him to get him out of the biz for loving God and probably gonna squeal about CTE

Miz - got kicked out of locker room by Benny, would kill him to get his main event push

Punk - sjw type who hated the shit benny did back stage.

Also related, most wrestlers who have died suddenly wanted to leave the biz and focus on family and God. Owen and Boss man are great examples, along with Eddie

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It's his gimmick you dopes

Lol no

He lives the gimmick brother

It might not have been Sullivan but it certainly wasn't Benoit

we all know who it was...

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I mean Jericho is the one who could get him to answer the door used a pillow case to strangle him so it couldnt be traced


It was Nancy. Look at interviews from other wrestlers about her, she took her gimmick way too seriously. This is some /x/ type of shit. 10 years after her divorce... sounds like an actual ritual to me.

clearly, yes
RIP Benoit Family
Kevin, burn in hell you sonuvabitch

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Here's a quote Vince is accused of making in regards to the lady Snuka killed kek
>According to [Argentino family] attorney [Richard] Cushing, McMahon made a remark at one point in their discussions that was at once insightful and chilling.
>“Look, I’m in the garbage business,” the promoter said. “If you think I’m going to be hurt by the revelation that one of my wrestlers is really a violent individual, you’re mistaken.”

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The wording is so fucking weird, I know it's in hindsight but saying he and his family were found dead immediately makes it sound like a murder-suicide deal.

thats some fucking ding-dong diddly spooky shit

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maybe not him but i really feel like the case was botched by an incompetent police force that wanted to pin the blame on a suicidal wrestler instead of an actual home invader/murderer

Chris Benoit was framed in the Summer of ‘07