Shawn Michaels Eye

Is this the result of too many pills? No one looks as rough and fucked up as Shawn, not even Scott Hall at least Hall can look you in the eye.

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I thought he got it fixed recenty.

i hope so that is enough to make a guy swear to sobriety, he looks shoot retarded

I heard that too, but haven't seen anything.

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No he got it from a botch in a match with Kane back in 2004.

He mentions that he pinched or severed a nerve getting his in the face during a match and thats what cause it

damn thats pretty rough, my boss had a fake prosthetic eye and it didnt look anything near that bad

nah, "rough" is luke perry being laid up in the hospital after a massive stroke. a lazy eye isn't even an inconvenience.

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im saying i would rather lose the eyeball then have it looking all crossed and lazy
but i do feel for the guy and would wish that on anyone

wouldnt wish that on anyone

>im saying i would rather lose the eyeball then have it looking all crossed and lazy
lol no you wouldn't

Apparently based Mayor of Knoxville booted Shawn's eye to invert camera controls at a house show

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>i would rather lose an eye than be crisscross eyed
You're shoot retarded

The Montreal Screwjob violated the NAP
Kane had to make things right

That's a cover story. It's because he did too much coke

Wasn’t it when he got beat up by the sailors or something?

met Shawn 3 years ago, shook his hand and he looked me straight in the eye. it looks different on camera i guess

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In the summer of '95 when 23 sailors and 31 marines had their way with him while British Bulldog and X-Pac watched

X-Pac is at all of these events. He's basically Forrest Gump

You're right, that's some scary shit!

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