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Best Current Wrestler
John Moore
Ayden Hall
FATTY! t. randy
Cooper Moore
Honestly can’t take him seriously because of the way he looks. Being fat isn’t an issue, but everything else is. He’s a literal neck beard.
Thomas Hughes
Easton Cook
Those new tattoos are what ruined his look for me. There are plenty of intimidating fat cunts out there, but his neckbearded child face and fat body with cringe tattoos just kills any aura of intimidation
Hunter Long
He loves wrestling. I’m watching his documentary, he is really a great wrestler and my new favorite.
Julian Turner
Yeah the tattoos are fucking cringe.
Jacob Collins
Conrad Thompson is wrestling now?
Daniel Bailey
Is he even trying to pull off intimidation? I highly doubt it.
Luis Ward
When he comes out at WrestleMania 32 the crowd is going nuts! He’s fucking based.