Jay White is the IWGP hebbiq champ. Fale fucks Muffin Ass. Who is the REAL AlphaChad of Bullet Club?

Jay White is the IWGP hebbiq champ. Fale fucks Muffin Ass. Who is the REAL AlphaChad of Bullet Club?

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Jeff Jarrett

Big Kendo Sticks CHADO

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You think that fat pindick fucks anything?

They're going out for years, newfaggetty.

What happened to Mao/Yellow Barbie? I thought she was hotter than Pieter.

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She's a LIJ mark now.


>doubting the CHADblades alphaness
Gonna be a have sex from me dawg

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Not sure if Fale's hoodie there is cringe or not.

Fale is the most based wrestler working today

Antifa gimmick?

Considering Chadblade is only in New Japan because of Fale,

Fale is THE top Alpha

Based Master Heater (I still have no idea what the fuck that means.)

jesus christ

the chinese guy in the background must wank over her constantly

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Based NuJapanetty

jay is paid to wrestle longer more dangerous matches.
fale is paid to eat and be a tall guy.
jado is paid to literally blow an air horn.
you tell me

Jay White is Yea Forums's best friend.

Now that the elite's gone they're all pretty chad.
They stopped using her late 2015.
Yujiro's probably the one that introduced them, he's got plenty of girls.

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is he still doing the wcw konan gimmick?