Who want sum fried chinese foo

Who want sum fried chinese foo

Attached: defuring.webm (368x640, 2.95M)

Why do we keep invading the Middle East and not China again?

the fuck is wrong with chinks?

i though chinese were supposed to be smart?

Ohhhh u racist wide eyes cracker i shove ahh chopstick up yo ass

Mainland China is a mess, just go to Taiwan instead if you ever wanna visit China.

Yoi no respec the chinese culture
We are like a very smart
Shut up u whyte bastard

Attached: 1502160375724.webm (368x480, 1.83M)

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based chinks

fuck hamburger eating murikan subhumans

Behold, this planet's highest average IQ

Attached: Eatsomefriedricechild.webm (400x230, 1.37M)

because there's 1.5 billion of them and they have nuclear weapons and you struggle to beat minor league nations

Worked me into a ding dong diddly shoot

They're """smart""" in an autistic atheist type of way; all about logic.
They lack souls.

Asian IQ is a meme, especially with the Chinese. They manipulate their stats. Muh Asian IQ is almost exclusive to the Japanese

I laugh at how the perception is South America or the Middle East is pinnacle of barbarism but the things you see there that are fucked up are seen as abhorrent behavior among those people. In China this is normal behavior, no one bats a fucking eye, individual life is literally meaningless to them. Go watch any of the China hate threats, endless webms of fucked up shit like people getting run over and no one doing shit about it.Lliterally just walking over their dead body going about their day.

Japan is in the right never apologizing for shit like Nanking. Why should they apologize for trying to spread IQ diversity?

Japanese and Koreans are responsible for that. Other Asians are nigger-tier.

Japan did nothing wrong to them t b h

I’m not clicking that. Can anyone tell me what it is?

They put still alive rats in boiling water so they can just slide off their epidermal layer of skin with the hair on it..

>but the things you see there that are fucked up are seen as abhorrent behavior among those people.
Doubt it. They’re all subhumans

>muh anime maykurs ar difrun tuh du ovurs ov dere kind, i sware it!

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Datz right nigga......it has nothing to do with the fact that they have one of the safest, cleanest countries along with one of the best economies in the world. I must be a weebo to defend the Japs.