PWInsider reports that Madison Rayne has been granted a release from Ring of Honor and is done with the company. She was reportedly unhappy with her creative direction and after meeting with ROH officials the decision was made to part ways. It was said to be an amicable parting and Rayne is free to wrestle anywhere she wants. She signed with ROH back in September.
Madison Rayne Released From Ring of Honor
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>She married Josh Matthews
Subterranean IQ
Back to Impact. Hopefully not as a stale as fuck face this time. Bring back Beautiful People v2 with some new young bimbos.
Crazy ride she's been on since the beautiful people eh? I always wondered why the hell she was in ROH since she never learned to wrestle a lick in the near decade she's been in the biz
It's not like WOH isn't the worst women's division, though.
She was in the Mae Young Classic. Shame she's not in NXT learning. Cause she's hotter than 70% of that roster.
She's cucking him.
I mean literally. Matthews is raising another man's child with her.
I thought she was trying to get signed to WWE?
Nah, she was in MYC and lost first round. They buried all Impact girls except Mia Yim iirc.
I'm surprised Mia Yim got signed given how close she is to Gail Kim.
She tried out back in late 2017. She got offered a contract but never signed it after learning about the restrictions and schedule that WWE maintained at the PC. She also said she felt that with her experience she was made to be believed that she would be fast tracked to the main roster which wasn't the case. So in the end, she never signed but left on good terms.
She agreed to do the MYC last year just on a one time appearance contract. WWE wanted someone with experience to help put over Mercedes in the first round. If she wanted I'm sure WWE would sign her but I doubt she would settle on a PC contract which is likely what she would be offered.
hi josh
That theme's still a a banger.
Imagine she ends up in AEW or just pursues options outside of wrestling at this point. Be funny if she, Angelina and Velvet showed up in WWE seeing as a considerable amount of their current talent are former TNA guys, so why not do the same with the women's division.
I saw it live in Houston. Worst matches I've ever seen live
Good on ya, Nigel. Ya limey cunt.
>since she never learned to wrestle a lick
well that's just not true.
I watched nearly every TNA ppv from 07 to 2012 (thanks taima!) and I can't remember a single good match of hers that didn't include Gail Kim. Even during her hot run as the killer queen with the flesh colored outfits and shit didn't distract from below average to mediocre matches
She was the Alexa Bliss of TNA, down to similar wrestling styles. She worked a cruel, slow style that was designed to get sympathy on a babyface. You're not going to see her doing much flippy shit or technical masterpieces. But she was good at what she set out to do.
TNA has a lot of kino entrances, but that one is definitely up there
>Cody cupping ear.gif
Ironically how I found one of my favourite songs which this is based on, Diamond Eyes by Deftones
>She was the Alexa Bliss...
So talentless?
Madison gets a pass from me when Velvet was one of the worst workers of all time.
There is someone in this thread that thinks Madison Rayne can wrestle.
Don’t worry, he got dump with raising someone else kid. Lol