Liv's lunch
Liv's lunch
imagine her nasty greasy braps after eating all that
I just want to smell her shitpipe....
AEW'S raise
I have no idea what watery white shit anybody would put on a hot dog
she needs to start taking trucker stims to curb that appetite
Great job OP, you exposed that brap-posters are just straight up newfag redditors from that being the first sexual thing they think of with this image. We need more tricks and traps like these to expose newfag redditors, even though mods here reward them once they find out and punish us, because the truth needs to come out.
>n-no a brap post! omg janny help me AAAAAAAAAAAA
Oh something is rising alright
I bet it tastes even better after it's been digested...
Look, you even had an opportunity to show you know what I'm talking about, to show that I'm mistaken. Now you just solidified the belief because you have no clue. Election shithead.
>hurr y u no think of child porn like a T.R.U oldfag like me *tips fedora*
Just kill yourself already you neckbeard looser
god i wish that were me
>Stupid retard actually got worked by fans
>she'll show them by becoming a fatass
wtf is wrong with this cunt?
the fucking size of this hog
To be fair that does look like good pizza.
Now I want pizza.
I came. I saw. I conquered. I'm out.
that's just the aperitive
She's stoned all the time whenever she shows her face on social media and expecting a stoner woman to stay in shape is sexist even though Orton, RVD, Booker T, R-Truth, Rey Mysterio, Evan Bourne, and all the other dozens upon dozens of male wrestlers in the past were able to do that.
I want giantess Liv to swallow me.
There better be some sort of special, because why would you get four slices and cram them into a box, instead of a six cut and just save any leftovers for later. Otherwise I'm not sure who is more autistic, Liv or the pizza shop owner.
I love this fat mess
How do I achieve this physique?
start eating
damn she giving Fatsuka a run for her money
I want to smell her braps and have her shit on me
eww wtf
Asuka only has one tummy fold, Liv is rocking a double fold.
that pizza looks disgusting, have some standards Liv
How much is wwe’s weed tax
Her skin must look like shit under all that makeup since she is a pizza fiend
I think you are off the hook if you have a card for it and you do the proper paperwork
I want to smoke weed with Liv, order some pizza, make a blanket fort, and have sex in it. She can then take a dump on my chest to mark her territory
I'd rise to her occasion if you know what I'm saying
why do people feel the need to photoshop things like this
Why the fuck is Sarah, the woman who practically lives on meat, not the fattest of them
But the so called vegan is the fat fuck now
Sarah LARPs as a Viking in her free time. What does Liv do
Fuck off Liv ya fat
LARPs as a BBW on Insta?
I like.
Liv larps as a food disposal unit
>mayo on a hotdog
State of white people
I agree it's gross, but rent fucking free.
>Guidette likes pizza
no shit?
looks like a cheesedog
it's not rent free when it's in the picture that he's replying to ya ding-dong diddly simp
>same size legs
Jesus Toni really squatted the pain away didn't she
Use adobe on your pictures
She can squat on my face if you catch my drift
its real m8, google Liv Morgan Tamina
Even WWE's YT is using that belly for one of their thumbnails