I'm dead

I'm dead.
She's fucking either fired or else just doesn't care and it's glorious


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Other urls found in this thread:


That's to far.

I don't even like Ronda but she is murdering Becky


>Becky using that mugshot shit as her banner and profile picture
That's cringe bros, I hope she doesn't wear this shirt next time she's on the show.

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This is fucking awesome!

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the only non-cringe tweet so far

this is pretty based but has to be out of bounds of what the WWE considers acceptable banter. "dick" isn't very PG

Fucking kek
Becketty btfo

Her twitter posts sound like some edgy incel shitposter. I guess not surprising seeing how shes some weeb nerd apparently

Becky has a fake armbar that doesn't work

Ronda was selling the fake armbar that doesn't work and was acting like her arm was broken. Does Ronda even think about this shit when she tweets it?

Ya ding-dong diddly seething, bet she made ya mad because she's transphobic ya pencil-neck geek

She's a sandy hook truther, shes one of us

Ronda's probably Lesnar levels of untouchable

Ronda posts here doesn't she

Becky spends all day on Twitter and she’s getting merked by someone with no pals

This feud turned into some shitty worked shoot shoot work that exposes the business and it sucks

Becketty absolutely ethered

Why the fuck would Ronda post a picture of a move that she says doesn't work and remind people that during this she was screaming in agony?

Exposing the business is one thing, but that's just pants on head retarded

It's funny but breaking kayfabe just ruins the whole feud.

>Exposing the business is one thing, but that's just pants on head retarded
Well it is Rousey, so...

>Becky spends all day on Twitter
Cringe, absolute state of modern wrestlers

Muh kayfabe


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In kayfabe, Ronda is pretending it didn't hurt when it actually did. She wants to look tough. This is not exposing the business


THE MAN shit is pathetic

Ya a dumb

So this is the power of the big leagues

>dick you wish you had
Strange choice of words

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>Beko in charge of winning a twitter war where her 'opponent' doesn't lob scripted, easy to respond to tweets her way

Who do you think starts all the brapstacey threads?

a professional psych profile on Ronda would be very illuminating

she's the one who is always bringing dicks into everything

I can't stand womens wrestling. Its one of the major things that ruined WWE. But holy shitballs. Wtf is Ronda thinking???

I honestly dont know what to think. Her in ring promos are god awful but this is Ruthless Agression Era all types of Awesome.

Why cant WWE let the guys be like this instead of actling like fags and beta males??? Why is WWE doing this?

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Fucking based. I love her now.

it's a work you fucking mark

Why can't they cut promos like this on tv?

Too "edgy" for their tard main audience. This is for the smarks

becky trying to be pablo escobar

Ohh Ronda honey that's not pg. Think of the kids and have some respect for your industry partners.

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Becko Btfo
I love hating on this bitch. Her fans in tears kek.


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I hope beko ends her life.

the only ones in tears are the marks getting worked by a tweet, Becky is in on it ya simp


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Becky won with that tweet

how are people getting so worked over 2 friends keeping kayfabe?

>this is the biggest feud of this board right now

just fucking kill /asp already,i cant take this anymore

Edited no u image responses are the low bar desu
It's admission you can't think of a retort



>Becky gets owned and her only way to make a come back is to nervously insult a former fighters literally who husband


Stupid bitch.
Ronda's made it clear in the past she wears the pants.

She's going to shoot on Becky at WM and it'll be hilarious to watch.

>Incels ITT
beggin' y'all to get laid

Based Ronda

>having no comeback so you have to insult your opponent's husband with an edited image that you didn't make
wew lad

Becky getting the ultimate burial only to lose to Ronda. Vince will bury smark favorites if he can get away with it and looks like he can with le man.

Attached: 1548810483227.gif (298x150, 3.86M)

Fucking based KEK

How do they know what a dick looks like
? I thought they were pure :'(

why is there like 10 threads with this shit

one is a mental unstable fighter, the other one used to be an addict who fucked for drugs

rent free

this is going to lead to some 70 year old vet showing up to wrestlemania with a gun and shooting on Rousey

>its not even a real mugshot
>taken in the locker room

Becky is a former junkie who most likely fucked dealers here (Dublin)
Ronda's been in a lot of abusive relationships (read her book) and admitted to calm herself before fights she has as much sex as possible


How bad is twitter seething??

Are they furious Ronda is breaking kayfabe for make believe wrestling? Honestly, the only people who should care about kayfabe are little kids who still think it's real (not grown men on asp).

what the fuck is going on??

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I cant tell if this is saving or further killing wrestling

honestly starting to think Ronda legit just lost her shit for a while

she's done it before, her emotions are on her sleeve when dealing with the fans

Russo rehired confirmed

I just feel bad for her. She didn't mean it like the way people understood. She wrote and posted without double checking.

Honestly all she had to do was send Becky this video.

this shit is gold and I guarantee has nothing to do with a single member of the "creative" team.

>Wrestlers can do more character work on Twitter than with a mic


Both are dumb whores.

>travis browne still getting shit on years after he washed out of the UFC
this pleases me immensely

she needs to stop going on reddit

>Pls respond
Kek. That last comment comeback must've sucked

Hope she dies in a car crash.

worked by a work into a shoot

Reddit fags are fuming. They are in 5150. I love this!!!!

>like you're holding the dick you wish you had?


I haven't laughed outloud in a long time.

Yes most likely

i hate both of these cringelords but why would anyone even side with ronda on this if you actually enjoy wrestling? people on this site shoot hate wrestlers? I thought it was all memes and not actual autism

You're shitting me! I haven't been to squaredcircle in idk how many yrs. Damn it, I gotta check this out. Asshole.

Jesus Ronda is so stupid

something tells me WWE will use this alot more often

Okay, my first thought was "Psychiatric Hold", but then I thought "oh shit, there's over 5,000 seething seething marks on reddit?!".

Yeah, it's the former, not the later. They did get worked over there though. I don't see how you can watch a fake show and be so livid when someone stops playing pretend.

>I'm dead.
>it's glorious

Hey Reddit!

I think the shirt looks cool.